Discover Brazil's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Brazil.
These scripts will Customize, Debloat and Improve Privacy/Performance and System Responsiveness on Windows 10+.vinijmoura/Azure-DevOps
Data extraction and Power BI report that generate management informations about your Azure DevOps organization. Using Azure DevOps CLI and Azure DevOps REST API, PowerShell scripts extract data from Azure DevOps, store this information in an Azure SQL Database and shows them in a Power BI report.ferreirasc/OSCP_study_guide
Notes of my OSCP study planbrunokktro/auladobruno
Links e materiais disponibilizados como conteúdo adicional para os estudos nos treinamentos da AWS.borger/scoop-galaxy-integrations
Provides an easy way to install, attach and update the GOG Galaxy 2 Integrationsjcldf/digispark-chrome-password-exfiltrate
Versão do ebook de PowerShellhaavarstein/Applications
Automation Framework ApplicationsCyberSecurityUP/RedTeam-Scripts
Scripts voltados à segurança do Active Directory. Soluções e técnicas utilizadas para aumentar a segurança da infraestrutura de Active Directorygiggio/poshfiles
My PowerShell script filesecsousa/PSColors
PowerShell Module for colloring Prompt and Files outputsrodrigoff/powershell
PowerShell Scriptsborger/scoop-emulators
Provides an easy way to install and update the best emulators/toolsBrunoMoreno/CmderRemaster
A simple remaster the cmder to runs on Windows 10vinijmoura/GitHub
Code Samples (applications, scripts, demos, etc.) to apply on GitHubbernardolankheet/TacticalRMM-Extras
Scripts and 3rd Party Integrations for TacticalRMMjonhoffmam/expo_wsl2
Configuring environment variable REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_HOSTNAME on WSL2 for use Expoferreirasc/redteam-arsenal
Some binaries/scripts that may be useful in red team/pentest exercisesecsousa/PSSudo
Fancy script to execute things elevateddiego-cavalcante/zabbix.agent
Script interativo para Intalação, Remoção, Upgrade/Downgrade do Zabbix Agenteitamarjp/windows-autounattend
Script for Auto Unattended installs of Windows 10azurenapratica/ANP-Docker-Fundamentals-Turma2
Materiais do curso Azure na Prática #4 | Docker & Kubernetes na Nuvem - parte 1 - Fundamentals - Turma 2danieldonda/Scripts-PowerShell
Repositório de scriptsdanpeig/freecommander_total7zip_installer
FreeCommander XE Total7zip Plugin Installerdiegoalbuquerque/CVE-2024-38063
mitigation script by disabling ipv6 of all interfacesSandimL/Powershell-automatic-installation
A Powershell script to install a list of programs automatically using Chocolatey as package managerfabceolin/windev
A fresh Windows image over docker and kvm to accelerate tests over a clean environment accessible over sshtgmti/ProtheusAutoUPD
Scripts em PowerShell para automatizar aplicação de Patches e execução de UPDDISTR no Protheusandrebaltieri/oauth-bearer
Build a Windows VM on VMWare ESXi, vCenter or vSphere from scratch 100% automated with Ansible.cleveranjos/qlik-cli-utils
Automation Tasks for Qlik Sensehaggen/bannerlord-module-template
Template of a module for Mount & Blade II Bannerlord.NickeManarin/ScreenToGif-Chocolatey
ScreenToGif's Chocolatey package.haavarstein/Intune
A Powershell script to download and configure OpenSSH for windows.guidooliveira/RDCMan
Powershell Module for Remote Desktop Connection Manager Filesrsantosdev/aspnetcore-circleci-azure
Building an core api with integration tests on circleCi and deploying to azurecodersinrio/meetups
A better powershell alias than Set-Alias0x00-0x00/CVE-2018-12613
PHPMyAdmin v4.8.0 and v.4.8.1 LFI exploitGustavoAmerico/SQLServerDeploy
Task for deploy SQL Servernetinhoteixeira/jrs-rest-csharp-client
C# Rest Client for JasperReports Serverrrg92/powershai
Powershell + AIguimatheus92/Get-file-metadata-from-PowerShell-script
Get a file’s metadata inside the Windows system using a PowerShell script.homelaber/homelaber
Homelaber Brasil - Virtualização e Homelabing em Portuguêsfzsdev/bluesky-blocker
Script feito para bloquear palavras ou hashtags irritantes na plataforma BlueSky. Roda localmente, registrando logs das postagens ou termos bloqueados.luisrudge/install
scripts to build my dev environmentgabrielluizbh/manager-hyper-v-server-2019-workgroup
Script Hyper-V Server 2019 - Gerenciamento Remoto em Workgroup.barrosohub/autoinstaller_wsl2_with_ubuntu_20_04_and_docker
WSL2 + Ubuntu 20.04 + Docker: Instalador automático p/ ambiente de desenvolvimento Windows. 💻🐧🐳✨ #WSL2 #Ubuntu #Dockerglzbcrt/my-env
This repo contains opinionated and work-in-progress settings for my environment. You will find the tools, extensions, and configurations I use. The right tools configured the right way can increase our productivity, and that is what I am looking for here.samueldosramos/windows-setup
Windows 10 Setup ScriptErickRock/Sysadmin-Survival-Kit-Scripts
Essential Script for the On Premises System Administratorleandrocrs/windows-theme
Powershell module to easily switch between Windows 10 Light and Dark themes.yanjustino/5504
5504 - Construindo aplicações baseadas em contextos delimitados - Parte 1rodrigoffonseca/VMwareHorizonScripts
Repo with some Azure scripts to prepare your Azure environment to VMware Horizon deploymentIGDEXE/Veracode
Exemplos de codigo para compartilhar100security/ad-lista
Extrair a lista de usuários do Active Directory e envia por E-mail.DevelopersCommunity/wix-JetBrainsMonoNF
Windows installer for JetBrainsMono Nerd Font.rmattos/NGeoIP
.NET client to for searching geolocation of IP addresses and host namesHexality/osu-nowplaying
A small program made to show your current playing osu! song on OBS.euclidesmiguel/Pre-flight
Sample script to help people preparing for Exchange Hybrid migration to Office 365haavarstein/New-HypervisorPXESetup
Automated Installation of XenServer and ESXi through PXEtpfrois/notion-cover-script
Script to create notion cover from an imagefabioharams/azurestack
Scripts to deploy Azure Stack using small, personal machinesrodolphocastro/dotfiles
Dotfiles for my Windows and Linux environmentsmaiaacademy/jornada-azureexpert
Jornada Azure Expertgabrielluizbh/Envio-de-alerta-Telegram
Script do Powershell para envio de alerta do Telegram usando o Agendador de Tarefas do Windows.julioarruda/UpdateMVPContributions
Update the Views in yours Microsoft MVP Contributionslevicm/win-tools
This is the a set of Windows 10/11 tool scripts, from a creation of multiple debloat scripts and gists from github.ErickWendel/Demo.WebScraping.CSharp
Demonstrações usadas em Mini curso em Editora Novatec juntamente com .NET CodersMuTLY/wsl-ubuntu-bash-colors
WSL Ubuntu bash colorsandrebaltieri/devstore-api
Helpers to load Visual Studio Environment Variables PowerShell Modulelandreussi/atom-todoist
Flag your todoist's tasks in atombrunolm/nvm
nvm for Windowsdfilitto/ControleFinanceiroASPNET
Site Controle financeiro criado para o curso Crie sites ASP.NET (webforms) utilizando C# e JavaScriptsanguedemonstro/docker-playground
repository about learning tricks around docker containers running Windows Server Core 2019 imagesstrobelt/oracle-docker
Simple customization for the Oracle 12c official Docker imageErickRock/WindowsTerminal
Este projeto encontra-se desatualizadoheytherewill/poshfiles
👨🏽💻 My PowerShell stuffr3nanp/my-powershell-config
✨ My personal configuration using Powershell, PSReadline and oh-my-posh for theming.olucasmac/digispark-rubber-ducky
Script criado para o Digispark que coleta senhas salvas do Google Chrome e as envia por e-mail!lgrano/SpotX
Blocking ads and updates for the desktop version of Spotify, and the ability to automatically clear the cache.Mxrcon/BioNameGenerator
A small project to generate random repository/release/project names based on Biological names and related topicsdirceuresende/adf-doc
Script created to document Azure Data Factory (ADF) objectsazureinventory/ACI
Azure Cost Inventorypferreirafabricio/backup-mongo-db
🗳️ A simple PowerShell script to make a backup of a MongoDB database and create a scheduled task for it on Windowsrodrigoffonseca/wvd-autologoffandshutdown
This powershell script list all WVD Virtual Machines and for each VM, it lists the connected user sessions and send a message to each user warning about session logoff. After a pre-defined time, it disconnect the user session and then shutdown the VM.AdrianoCahete/Windows.Workspace
My Windows workspaceandrebaltieri/bookstore
Sistema Stream IPTV feito em C# para o gerenciamento de Lista de Canais, em IPTVgabrielluizbh/hyper-v-replica-2019-workgroup
Scripts Hyper-V Réplica em Workgroup.RonildoSouza/ResizeImageModulePS
PowerShell Module to Resize Image100security/relatorio-rdp
Windows – Onde o Usuário Logou ou está Logado?heberlopesbr/StorageSpacesDirect
Repositório para Scripts PowerShell relacionados a projetos de Storage Spaces Direct no Windows Server 2016 DataCenter Editionnuxlli/cygwin-bootstrap
PowerShell Module for easily creating persistent PSDrivesLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us