Sample Play 2.1/2.2 application to demonstrate web sockets usageservice-autodiscovery
Service autodiscovery using Apache ZooKeeperjax-rs-2.0-swagger
Using Swagger for REST API documentationspring-one-jar
Embedded Jetty + Apache CXFplay-sse-example
Example of using real-time charts with Play Framework and server-side eventsjetty-web-sockets-jsr356
Jetty 9.1 and JSR-356 (Java API for WebSockets)spring-activemq-stomp-websockets
Embeeded Apache ActiveMQ broker with STOMP over Websockets connectorspring-apollo-stomp-websockets
ActiveMQ Apollo with STOMP over Websocketscircuit-breakers
Different circuit breakers sample projectsosgi-services
Sample OSGi services using Apache CXF and OpenJPAjax-rs-2.1-openapi
Using OpenAPI v3.0.0 for RESTful API documentationjax-rs-2.0-swagger-contract-tests
Using Contract-Based Testing with JAX-RS services and Swagger specificationsangria-akka-http-graphql
Using GraphQL with Sangria, Akka HTTP and Reactive Mongospring-examples
Spring Data Redis exampleszipkin-jaxrs-2.0
Zipkin distributed system tracing with JAX-RS 2.0jax-rs-2.0-cxf-spring-boot
Using Apache CXF with Spring Bootjax-rs-2.0-validation
Apache CXF and Bean Validation 1.1jax-rs-2.0-spring-security
Integrating Apache CXF and Spring Security inside Embedded Jettymongodb-hierarchical-data
Storing hierarchical data in MongoDBeventsourcing-example
CQRS example using Akka Persistence and Akka HTTPsample-https-server
Sample HTTPS server for fun and profitsbt-java
Exampe of using sbt with Java-based projecteclipse-microprofile-hammock
Eclipse Microprofile with Project Hammockjax-rs-2.0-cdi
Apache CXF 3.0 and CDI 1.1ApacheConNA2015
The presentation and sample project for ApacheCon NA 2015 (Apache CXF, Tika and Lucene: The Power of Search the JAX-RS Way)jax-rs-2.1-problem
Using Spring Boot, Apache CXF and RFC-7807 to report HTTP APIs errorsjax-rs-2.1-hateaos
Using HATEOAS with JAX-RS 2.1 and OpenAPI v3.0.0 specificationaes-gcm-jdk-vs-bouncycastle
AES256-GCM128 file encryption using JCA and BouncyCastlejax-rs-2.0-dynamic-feature
Apache CXF and Dynamic Featurescxf-jax-rs-sse-java-10
Apache CXF on Java 10 Examplespring-one-jar-bdd-specs2
Using specs2 and JAX-RS 2.0 client API to perform integration testingavro-custom-annotations
Using Apache Avro with custom converters and Java annotationsspring-hornetq-stomp-websockets
Embedded JBoss HornetQ broker with STOMP over Websockets connectorjax-rs-2.1-json-patch
Apache CXF and JSON Patch (RFC-6902) Demospring-jpa-byteman
Using Byteman with Spring and JPA to simulare failuresbean-validation-samples
Bean Validation Samplesbean-jmx-samples
Different JMX samplesspray-book-catalog
Sample Book Catalog REST(ful) web services written in Spray framework.db-scala-slick
Database access using Slick 2.1 libraryspring-boot-testing-conditional
Sample project to illustrate testing the Spring Boot conditionals for 1.5.x and 2.1.x projects, with JUnit 4 or JUnit 5.cxf-search-extension
Apache CXF Search Extension with OData 2.0 demoLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us