show vertical lines to guide indentation
Current block only
All blocks
Require this script
(require 'indent-guide)
and call command M-x indent-guide-mode
If you want to enable indent-guide-mode
in all buffers, call
function indent-guide-global-mode
Column lines are propertized with indent-guide-face
. So you may
configure this face to make lines more pretty in your colorscheme.
(set-face-background 'indent-guide-face "dimgray")
If you want indent-guide to show guide lines only in idle-time, you can set delay.
(setq indent-guide-delay 0.1)
You may also change the character for guides.
(setq indent-guide-char ":")
NOT RECOMMENDED: To show not only one guide line but all guide lines
recursively, set indent-guide-recursive
(setq indent-guide-recursive t)
seems buggy and laggy, so I recommend
the highlight-indentation
package for that purpose.
Comparisons with highlight-indentation
- look and feel
- better block detection in LISP-like languages
(foo (foo |(foobar baz |(foobar baz || (foobar | | |(foobar || |(qux)))) | | | (qux))))
indent-guide highlight-indentation
- supports TABs
- worse in performance, especially when you open a file that includes very large, deep blocks
Known Limitations
does not work perfectly with following modes (commands) :
(tooltips may not rendered perfectly)pager.el
(guide lines are not rendered immediately, afterpager-up/down
contributions are welcome !