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A package of small but beautiful React components from the planet, Pluto. 🔵 Get minimal components for your React based applications 😍personal-website
This website changes time-to-time according to my design sensereact-tailwind-template
A template repository with tailwind configured in react. enjoy!yashsehgal
About Metwitter-frontend-clone
A basic twitter frontend clone using Vanilla JS 🚀crafts
all my small and beautiful crafts are here. not for saletodo_application
A simple looking amazingly designed todo app based on Vanilla JavaScript 🚀peerlist-shorthand-feature
Creating a short hand feature just like @PeerlistHQ 💚
Aria - Accessible, UX Friendly UI Components. Typescript and TailwindCSS Utilities & Primitives.dashboard-ui
Dashboard UI Frontend using React.js, and CSS/SCSSfrontend-mentor-challenges
This repository has sub-projects for the frontend
Make Resumes in just one click.whatsapp-reaction-feature
Recreating WhatsApp's message reaction feature | Using React + TailwindCSSpluto
This is a test framework for Python development for Kids and Dummies.plain-ui-kit
A plain UI kit inspired from Figma's Design System and is React
A pretty basic resume maker.blockchain-visual
This is a blockchain model visualizer 💰🚀devumble
Bumble for Developer Beingstwitter-ui-kit
Re-creating Twitter's UI Kit components in React.growthlog
GrowthLog 🌱uifeature-random-cover-generator
UI Feature | Feature to create new files and generate a random cover view for that. Feature developing for @DunoLabs/invoicetordesignsystem-bot
DesignSystem(BOT) can be used to access designsystem's documentation by using commands.react-range-picker-smart
A smart range-picker component in React. Using slider, input based features.resumay
A clean and static page resume generator for developers and engineers. Made using React and TailwindCSSmusic-streaming-web-app-frontend-design
This is a project of converting adobe xd design to a webpage. In this example I am designing a music streaming service web application.sigmoid-function-cpp
This is an example machine learning programming using C++. I have created an example of Sigmoid function in C++.flutter-widgets-example
This code has a proper example of flutter widgets like Texts, Buttons
This code has a basic explanation of the common datatypes in dart with a
Project Descriptioninterview-practice-problems
A repository for practicing SQL Commands.portfolio
This is my
Website of The DesignSystemstemperature-analysis-pyplot
This is an analysis of Temparature rates of some common countries and regions using pyplot in Python.hello-world
A way too simple code to display hello world using Dart.appsite-ui
This is where I practice API related concepts.appsite-web
This repository has a weather-api test exampleCovid19-DataVisualization
This code module has a data visualisation code base for Covid 19 Cases (Updated - New Version)custom-token-composition
Building a small feature to setup custom composition rates for token prices in an indexmern-stack-practice
A basic events finder.graph-plotting-using-pyplot
This is an example of plotting data models in python using 'pyplot' library in 'matplotlib' module.swift-practice
UI Feature | A simple UI concept for Invoicetor's Dashboard. Feature developing for @DunoLabs/invoicetorchat-application-web-version-demo
UI Feature | A simple + functioning Multi-Option Select Component made in (React with Typescript)menu-submenu
A Menu and SubMenu Component in React. Thank youflutter-example-forms-responsive
This is an example of an android based classical form, the code is written in flutter.multiverse
GitHub Landing Websitedesignsystems
DesignSystems - A one stop solution to all your frontend crises.recursive-menu
A simple and clean recursive menu in React + Typescriptuser-verification-process-website
This is a website example for verifying the user details during logging in or signing in the system.js-json-tutorial
JS JSON TUTORIAL FOR BEGINEERSpluto-documentation-website
This is a web decumentation and website for Pluto Tool.portfolio_v_2
This is the version 2 of my portfolio website.codeblock-next-setup
Creating a setup to render code blocks in NextJS-React. MDX Supported Render.testing-bun
Testing this new thing called Bun |
This is a C++ dedicated program to make notes. File Handling concepts are used in this program to store the notes.tgb-js-quiz
Short Short JS based Quiz App for @muacm members.jrpc-twitter-bot
Twitter bot to manage activities related to #justrelaxpeople
This is an example of a android based classical form. The code is written in Flutter.landing-page-project
This is a landing page project.invisible-cloak
This is a general analysis of confirmed deaths and cured cases in the major cities and states of India.statistics-example-python
An example of statistical operation using "statistics" module in python.react-search-widget
A complex but sexy search widget in react and tailwind. ofcourse!react-search-smart
This is a react component for creating search features for your applications.web-dev-challenges
Web Development Challengeswizards-sorting-hat
This is our AbracadabraHacks' Hackuifeature-comment-thread
A basic comment and thread feature for dynamic commenting| UIFeaturefood-service-dashboard-website
This is an example of a Business Dashboard webpage for a food service
Clones and only clones made using React and SCSSrock-paper-scissors-cpp
My computer programming course mini-project. A very common project in C.basic-ui-design-in-flutter
This code has a proper example of flutter widgets like Texts, Buttons etc.uifeature-ios16-battery
A simple demo of ios16's battery percentage animation | UI Featuredesignsystem-bot-website
Website for DesignSystem-BOTbugHolders
This is a school level quiz-based system designed by the team bugHolders.nikon__website
Revamping of Nikon Locks Websitelearning-java-because-fourth-sem
A set of programs for learning Java because 4th Semester. Period.notebooks
Email computation code which extracts keywords from emails and generate data models.web_boilerplate_code
A basic trello clone :Ddata-visualization-project
A basic URL Shortener Application based on JavaScript, JSON, Vanilla HTML and CSS/SCSS.uifeature-whats-new-featured-section
UI Feature | A simple "What's New / Featured Updates" section to list new updates in every new release. Feature developing for @DunoLabs/invoicetorinheritance-dart-example
This is an example of how to use inheritance concept in Dart Language.stone-paper-scissors-game
React JS IG Clone - Tutorialgdp-growth-analysis-python
This is an example of Data Analysis from a CSV Data file using pandas and pyplot modules in python.giproman
This is a project management tool which uses git features and commands. This can be used to manage projects using git version control system. With this feature you can manage your project, update them and all other features that git have.onboarding-flow
Creating a demo on-boarding flow using React for AsyncAPI Studio (Testing Feature)Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us