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  • Created over 3 years ago
  • Updated over 2 years ago


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Reactive framework based on generators. Super light < 3kb, fast, powerful and flexible.

What is it?

Whatsup is a modern frontend framework with own reactivity system and JSX components based on pure functions and generators.


  • πŸŽ‰ easy to use: simple api, just write code
  • πŸš€ own reactivity system with high performance
  • 🌈 cool styling system based on css modules
  • 🚦 built-in router with intuitive api
  • β›“ glitch free, autotracking and updating of dependencies
  • πŸ₯— written in typescript, type support out of the box
  • πŸ—œ small size: ~7kB gzipped (state + jsx + cssx)


import { observable } from 'whatsup'
import { render } from 'whatsup/jsx'

function* App() {
    const counter = observable(0)
    const increment = () => counter(counter() + 1)

    while (true) {
        yield (
                <p>You click {counter()} times</p>
                <button onClick={increment}>Click me</button>

render(<App />)


You can find the Whatsup documentation on the website.

Check out the Intro page for a quick overview.

The documentation is divided into several sections:



MIT (c) 2020-present, @iminside