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A simple sudoku puzzle generator written in C++.Sudoku-Image-Solver
Solving sudoku puzzles with convolutional neural networks and image processing techniques.Wiki-bash
A command line tool to access wikipediafictionArt
A command line tool to display ascii art of famous animated fictional characters, written in ruby.Password-Locker
A cli password storer and manager.script-drive-download
A bash script to download files saved in google files from sites like mth102 site.simple-video-player-opencv
A simple video player made in opencvsmbt
Save MacOS Browser TabsCellular-Automata
Cellular Automata and simulation of life using Conway's game of life.PokerProbability
An interactive cli tool written in C++ for calculating the winning probability of each player in Texas Hold'em Poker.Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection
An attempt for doing classification in a highly imbalanced dataset.Realtime-frontdev
A realtime preview of frontend web development languages.(html, css,js)LDPC-Code-Decoder
Implementation of partly parallel LDPC code decoder in Verilog.ESO-207-Course-Material
Course material and my codes for data structures and algorithms course taught by Prof. Sumit Ganguly.mso201-ProbStats-Material
Lecture Notes, Assignments and Quizzes of Probability and Statistics (MSO201A).Simple-Proxy-Server
A concurrent proxy server written in C to practise socket programming.pygpbo
A python library for optimizing black-box functions using bayesian optimization. Contains support for optimizing high dimensional functions using linear-embedding based techniques.Birthday-Paradox-Simulation
A simulator of the birthday paradox problemHaar-Wavelet-Image-Compression
Grayscale Image compression using Haar Wavelet Transform.Birthday-reminder
This program helps you to create a database of your all your friends birthdays.Knowledge_Distillation
Experiments with knowledge distillation for course project of Machine learning course (CS771A) at IITK.Lissajous-Curves
Visualisation of lissajous curves in p5.jsIITK-Photosearch
A modified and improved Student Search with reverse image search feature for IITK students.Image-Processing-CS131-Assignments
Assignments of Stanford's CS131 course on Image ProcessingStable-Marriage-Problem
An implementation of stable marriage problem in C++.Connect4_AI
An online multiplayer Connect 4 game with features to play against AI, chat while playing, spectate game.scp-rust
A basic scp clone implementation written in rust.Graph-Plotter
A Graph Plotter desktop application in C++Univariate-Truncated-Sampling
Sampling from univariate truncated distributions for GeomScale's tests for GSoC 2021Distributed-Hash-Table
A tutorial paper on distributed hash tables for assignment submission of COM200 course at IITK.Tic-Tac-Toe-AI
An unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe game written in Javascript using MinMax Algorithm.utiny
A url shortener written using NodeJs and MySql.Advent-of-Code-2021
My solutions for Advent of Code 2021 challenge -
Implementation of Variational Autoencoder in Pytorch for MNIST dataset.bloomFilter
A C++ library for using bloom filters written using reference from Michael Schmatz post.Computer-Vision-CS231n-Assignments
My solutions to Stanford's 'CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition' course assignments.benchmark-symmetric-mat-mult
Comparing runtimes of x'Ax operation (A is symmetric) using Eigen's selfAdjointView vs custom for loop.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us