css-razor is a fast way to remove unused selectors from css. Essentially, it accomplishes the same goal as uncss. However, it accomplishes this goal differently. Rather than loading a webpage in phantomjs and using document.querySelector
to determine if a selector is being used, css-razor uses cheeriojs to parse static html and css files to removed unused selectors.
- Helps trim down CSS so you only keep the necessary parts
- Built for speed using the amazing cheeriojs
- has an ignore list that can be added to
- ignores common pseudo elements & pseudo selectors by default
- Supports multiple files / globs
- Supports raw html & css input
- Supports html paths from URLs
- Reporting stats detailing how many selectors are removed.
Getting Started
Install with npm
npm install --save-dev css-razor
You can then use the cli
css-razor build/css/index.css build/index.html --stdout > build/css/index.min.css
And you can even pass globs
css-razor build/css/*.css build/*.html --stdout > build/css/index.min.css
Or you can use the js api
const cssRazor = require('css-razor').default
html: ['build/index.html'],
css: ['build/css/index.css'],
}, function(err, data) {
module.exports = {
// Array of HTML file globs.
html: [],
// Array of CSS file globs.
css: [],
// Raw HTML string.
htmlRaw: '',
// Raw CSS string.
cssRaw: '',
// Array of webpages to add to HTML.
webpages: [],
// Strings in CSS classes to ignore. Pass `false`
// (or `--no-ignore` via cli) to not ignore these.
ignore: [
'html', // global element
'body', // global element
'button', // global element
'active', // state class
'inactive', // state class
'collapsed', // state class
'expanded', // state class
'show', // state class
'hide', // state class
'hidden', // state class
'is-', // state class
// Where to output
outputFile: 'dist/index.css',
// Disable output via stdout w/ `--no-stdout`.
stdout: false,
// Report Stats about used vs unused selectors.
report: false,
// Detailed Report Stats including every selector used vs unused.
// Note: this also depends on the `report` option being true.
reportDetails: false,
// Overwrite the input css file if there is only one.
overwriteCss: false,
Usage with Postcss
const postcssRazor = require('css-razor').postcss
html: "<html>your html string</html>",
.process(css, {
from: 'index.css',
to: 'output.css'
React to HTML Example
Below is an example of building an html file from a react app created with create-react-app
. The resulting HTML file can then be used for server rendering and detecting selectors with css-razor.
import App from './components/App'
import './index.css'
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // Web
<App />,
} else { // Node / server render
global.appToRender = App
const app = global.appToRender
const markup = ReactDOM.renderToString(ReactDOM.createElement(app));
const html = fs.readFileSync(HTML_FILE)
const newHtml = html.toString().split('<div id="root"></div>').join(
'<div id="root">' + markup + '</div>'
fs.writeFileSync(HTML_FILE, newHtml, 'utf8')
- html input via stdin?
- more tests for raw and globs
- test for postcss plugin usage