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Pure JS XML DOM based on sax-jsarp
read the arp tablenodetoy
Simple REST server for an instant back endmidiOverIP
Send MIDI messages over IP so you don't need midi hardware to connect PCsrewrite
URL rewriteing module ala mod_rewriteusbkbd2
Converts old USB keyboards into midi keyboardslibcdj
Binaries and native libraries for communicating with Pioneer CDJsbinjs
#!/bin/js a scripting framework using the best of bash and JavaScriptMarkbook
Scripts to generate a HTML book from a set of Markdown files.adj
AlsaDJ tools to sync midi devices and Pioneer CDJsfilter-chain
ServletFilter clone for request chaining in nodejsportawiki
A "wiki" that stores data as a directory of HTML files ensuring your data is not locked inmod_upload
Apache moudule for uploading filesxgenjs
DOM creation using xGenPaths in JavaScript, for both serverside XML and client side HTML.lxinitd
scripting environment and systemd replacement for lxc containersstatussocket
UDP listener and server written in C that does not hang after sending a message like netcat doesLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us