Command-line tool to create an OS X app with your iOS Simulator app packaged in. The result looks like this:
When you open it, it launches iOS Simulator and installs the packaged iOS app.
Why use it?
Install older builds without having to git checkout and recompile everything
Share simulator builds as OS X apps with members of your team
Test version migrations faster by installing builds consecutively
ios-simulator-app-installer is distributed via Homebrew.
brew install stepanhruda/tap/ios-simulator-app-installer
Latest stable version of Xcode and OS X El Capitan are required.
Example: ios-simulator-app-installer --app "Rocket" --device "iPhone"
An app out of which the installer app is created. The easiest way to get a .app is by compiling your project using xcodebuild and looking in DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator:
xcodebuild -workspace RocketScience.xcworkspace -scheme RocketScience -configuration Debug -derivedDataPath build/DerivedData -sdk iphonesimulator
ios-simulator-app-installer --app "build/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Rocket"
Restricts installing the app to certain simulators. Keep in mind your selection might not be available on someone else's machine or over time.
If multiple devices match your string, the user will be prompted to select one.
A fresh install of the app on every installer launch. This is helpful if you want to blow away the local storage or e.g. clean NSUserDefaults on every launch.
Output path where your installer shall be created. Default is YourApp
Lists out simulator identifiers available on your current machine.
In case you get lost.
MIT license in LICENSE
. Icon from under CC.