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  • License
    Apache License 2.0
  • Created over 8 years ago
  • Updated almost 5 years ago


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Repository Details

Web user interface for ScalaFiddle

ScalaFiddle editor

This project provides an online editor for creating, sharing and embedding Scala fiddles (little Scala programs that can run in your browser).


For documentation on how to use the ScalaFiddle editor, see the Welcome.

Hosting your own ScalaFiddle editor

ScalaFiddle has been designed to be easy to host on your own. It's published as Docker images (scalafiddle/scalafiddle-editor, scalafiddle/scalafiddle-router and scalafiddle/scalafiddle-core) which provide an easy way to set up your own service.


If you'd like to contribute to the ScalaFiddle project, for example to add a new library dependency, read the contribution guide for more instructions on how to set up a local dev env for ScalaFiddle editor and core.