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L&T Financial Services & Analytics Vidhya presents ‘DataScience FinHack’ organised by Analytics VidhyaAV-AmExpert-2019-ML-Hackathon
AmExpert 2019 organised by AVAV-LTFS-Data-Science-FinHack-2
LTFS Data Science FinHack 2 organised by AVMachine-Hack
MachineHack is an online platform for Machine Learning competitions. We host toughest business problems that can now find solutions in Machine Learning & Data Science.AV-WNS-Analytics-Wizard-2019
WNS Analytics Wizard 2019 - War of Wizards organised by Analytics VidyaAmExpert-2018-Machine-Learning-Hackathon-AV
American Express and Analytics Vidhya presents “AmExpert”. An amazing opportunity to showcase your analytical abilities and talent.AV-Innoplexus-Online-Hiring-Hackathon-Sentiment-Analysis
Innoplexus Online Hiring Hackathon: Sentiment Analysis organised by Analytics VidyaAV-Quantum-Black-Data-Engineering-Hackathon
Quantum Black Hackathon organised by Analytics VidyaCRISIL-Machine-Learning-Hiring-Challenge-19
CRISIL Machine Learning Hiring Challenge'19 organised by HackerearthAV-Job-a-thon
AV Job-a-thonZindi-Solutions
Zindi SolutionsAWS-DeepRacer
AWS Deepracer organised by ANZ Melbourne collaborated with Amazon to have a runYes-Bank-Datathon
YES BANK has launched DATATHON 2018, which invites participants from across the world, who will join us in our quest of Data driven Innovation and develop models for the appropriate sourcing and usage of data across businesses.Edelweiss-Hackathon-Machine-Learning-Hackerearth
Machine Learning hackathon by Edelweiss organised by HackerearthMH-uHack-Sentiments-2.0-Decode-Code-Words
Machine Learning Hackathon by MachineHack hosted by UgamIIT-BHU-CodeFest2018
Code Fest Organised by IIT-BHU via Analytics VidyaReact-Apps-Udemy
Simple Apps made with React+ReduxMH-Wipro-Sustainability-Machine-Learning-Challenge
Wipro's Sustainability Machine Learning Challenge organised by MachineHackGCP-App-for-CSV-Load-and-Save
Google Cloud Platform App for CSV uploading and saving it in Database, as a part of Interview Assignment by SearceAnalytics-Olympiad-2021
Analytics Olympiad 2021 Hosted by MachineHack and Shiv Nadar UniversityAV-Game-Of-Deep-Learning
Game of Deep Learning Hackathon hosted by AV. A chance to win tickets to DataHack Summit 2019 and job opportunities with Analytics Vidhya.OpenVino-Smart-Queuing-System
Given real-world scenarios to build a queuing system, identifying which hardware types work best, and then test the application using the Intel® DevCloud in Intel Edge AI Nanodegree UdacityGenpact-Machine-Learning-Hackathon-AV
Genpact and Analytics Vidhya presents the “Genpact Machine Learning Hackathon 2018”. A great opportunity to showcase your machine learning and analytical abilities and compete with the best data scientists out there.PGDDA-IIITB
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