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Scraper with last published flats in idealistaexample-probot-vercel-ts
This script takes settings from a repository, used as template, and applies those settings to your selected repository/soctoherd-script-add-cache-to-node-github-action
Add cache parameter to GitHub Actions using setup-nodeoctoherd-script-watch-unwatch-or-ignore
An octoherd script to watch, unwatch or ignore a repositoryoscard0m
Update workflows using a certain GitHub Action to a concrete version, i.e. actions/checkout@v{version_number}octoherd-script-migrate-pika
Migrate occurrences of 'pika build' to 'pika-pack build' in package.json for all the repositories of a GitHub Organizationoctoherd-script-fix-test-workflow-octokit
fixes workflows in octokit in a programmatic wayoctoherd-script-create-issue
Creates an issue on each repo when a certain condition or group of conditions are accomplishedweb
Replace all repository topicspullrequest-template
Pull Request template in Markdownoctoherd-script-renovate-stats
Get Renovate statistics for repositories of an organizationoctoherd-script-review-pull-requests
Review a bunch of pull requests based on parametersoctoherd-script-remove-renovate-package.json
Removes 'renovate' entry in the package.json of a repositoryprobot-aws-serverless-probot-example
TypeScript transformer to remove named export with a concrete namechrome-ext-checkbox
Add or delete a label for all the issues of a repositoryoscard0m-card
My npm card π€createEmoji
Script to create Slack emoji's size images from big imagesvercel-lambda-hello-world-typescript
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