Github Xcode Bot Builder
A command line tool that creates/manages/deletes Xcode 5 server bots for each Github pull request. When a pull request is opened a corresponding Xcode bot is created. When a new commit is pushed the bot is re-run. When the build finishes the github pull request status is updated with a comment if there's an error. Users can request that a pull request be retested by adding a comment that includes the word "retest" (case insensitive). When a pull request is closed the corresponding bot is deleted.
Make sure your Xcode server is correctly setup to allow ANYONE to create a build (without a username or password, see suggested features below). Then make sure you can manually create and execute a build and run it.
Install XCode Command Line tools
xcode-select --install
Clone the github-xcode-bot-builder repository and run bundle install.
ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future bundle install
Go to your Github Account Settings and create a personal access token which you will use as your github_access_token so that the bot-sync-github script can access your github repo
Create a ~/xcode_bot_builder.json
The example below shows two projects, one project running a single scheme, the other running two different schemes. The pull request will not be marked successful, unless both schemes pass.
"github_access_token": "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789",
"xcode_server": "",
"repos": [
"github_repo": "org/project1",
"project_or_workspace": "project1.xcodeproj",
"bots": [
"scheme": "Project1",
"run_analyzer": true,
"run_test": true,
"create_archive": true,
"unit_test_devices": [
"iphonesimulator iPhone Retina (4-inch) 7.1",
"iphonesimulator iPhone Retina (4-inch 64-bit) 7.1"
"github_repo": "org/project2",
"project_or_workspace": "project2.xcodeproj",
"bots": [
"scheme": "Project2",
"run_analyzer": true,
"run_test": false,
"create_archive": false,
"unit_test_devices": [
"iphonesimulator iPhone Retina (4-inch) 7.1"
"scheme": "Project2Tests",
"run_analyzer": false,
"run_test": true,
"create_archive": false,
"unit_test_devices": [
"iphonesimulator iPhone Retina (4-inch) 7.1",
"iphonesimulator iPhone Retina (4-inch 64-bit) 7.1"
The api_endpoint and web_endpoint urls can be configured if you use a github enterprise setup, otherwise they can be omitted.
Manually run bot-sync-github from the command line to make sure it works. If you have any open pull requests, a bot should have been created, and the integration started.
Schedule bot-sync-github to run in cron every couple of minutes. Apple's strongly encourages the use of launchd.
A simple way to have it sync every 60 seconds is to put the following in /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.github-xcode-bot-builder.plist
The example has everything installed under the user xcodebots. If you use another user you'll want to modify the user, as well as the Label to match your organization
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Then to start:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.github-xcode-bot-builder.plist
If you want to stop:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.github-xcode-bot-builder.plist
You can also use cron. For example, if you're using RVM:
*/2 * * * * $HOME/.rvm/bin/ruby-2.0.0-p247 $HOME/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/bot-sync-github >> /tmp/bot-sync-github.log 2>&1
Send us a pull request with your troubleshooting tips here!
- Github Xcode Bot Builder uses Jeweler for managing the Gem, versioning, generating the Gemspec, etc. so do not manually edit the gemspec since it is auto generated from the Rakefile.
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
- Fork the project.
- Start a feature/bugfix branch.
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
- Don't forget to add yourself to the contributors section below
Suggested features to contribute
- Support for configuring username and password to use with your Xcode server
- Add specs that use VCR to help us add test coverage
- Add better error handling
- Update this to make it easier for new users to get started and troubleshoot
Copyright (c) 2013 ModCloth. See LICENSE for further details.