nginx-clickhouse Â
Simple nginx logs parser & transporter to ClickHouse database.
How to build from sources
1. Install helpers
make install-helpers
2. Install dependencies
make dependencies
3. Build binary file
make build
How to build Docker image
To build image just type this command, and it will compile binary from sources and create Docker image. You don't need to have Go development tools, the build process will be in Docker.
make docker
How to run
1. Pull image from Docker Hub (or build from sources)
docker pull mintance/nginx-clickhouse
There are always last stable image, it automatically builds when release created.
2. Run Docker container
For this example, we include /var/log/nginx
directory, where we store our logs, and config
directory where we store config.yml
docker run --rm --net=host --name nginx-clickhouse -v /var/log/nginx:/logs -v config:/config -d mintance/nginx-clickhouse
How it works?
Here are described full setting-up example.
NGINX log format description
In nginx, there are: nginx_http_log_module that writes request logs in the specified format.
They are defined in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
file. For example we create main
log format.
http {
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';
After defining this, we can use it in our site config /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/my-site.conf
inside server section:
server {
access_log /var/log/nginx/my-site-access.log main;
Now all what we need, is to create config.yml
file where we describe our log format, log file path, and ClickHouse credentials. We can also use environment variables for this.
ClickHouse table schema example
This is table schema for our example.
CREATE TABLE metrics.nginx (
RemoteAddr String,
RemoteUser String,
TimeLocal DateTime,
Date Date DEFAULT toDate(TimeLocal),
Request String,
RequestMethod String,
Status Int32,
BytesSent Int64,
HttpReferer String,
HttpUserAgent String,
RequestTime Float32,
UpstreamConnectTime Float32,
UpstreamHeaderTime Float32,
UpstreamResponseTime Float32,
Https FixedString(2),
ConnectionsWaiting Int64,
ConnectionsActive Int64
) ENGINE = MergeTree(Date, (Status, Date), 8192)
Config file description
1. Log path & flushing interval
interval: 5 # in seconds
log_path: /var/log/nginx/my-site-access.log # path to logfile
2. ClickHouse credentials and table schema
db: metrics # Database name
table: nginx # Table name
host: localhost # ClickHouse host (cluster support will be added later)
port: 8123 # ClicHhouse HTTP port
user: default # User name
password: # User password
Here we describe in key-value format (key - ClickHouse column, value - log variable) relation between column and log variable.
RemoteAddr: remote_addr
RemoteUser: remote_user
TimeLocal: time_local
Request: request
Status: status
BytesSent: bytes_sent
HttpReferer: http_referer
HttpUserAgent: http_user_agent
3. NGINX log type & format
In log_format
- we just copy format from nginx.conf
log_type: main
log_format: $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"
4. Full config file example
interval: 5
log_path: /var/log/nginx/my-site-access.log
seek_from_end: false
db: metrics
table: nginx
host: localhost
port: 8123
user: default
RemoteAddr: remote_addr
RemoteUser: remote_user
TimeLocal: time_local
Request: request
Status: status
BytesSent: bytes_sent
HttpReferer: http_referer
HttpUserAgent: http_user_agent
log_type: main
log_format: $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"
Grafana Dashboard
After all steps you can build your own grafana dashboards.