🚀 rocket
Rocket creates an animation when an item is moved to another element. Take a look: DEMO PAGE
Include the CSS style: rocket.css or rocket.min.css and include the JS file: rocket.js or rocket.min.js
<link rel="stylesheet" href="rocket.min.css">
<script src="rocket.min.js"></script>
Use this function on your javascript file: rocketcss(rocket, target, theclass)
- Replace
with the class item that you want to move. - Replace
with the class item that you want to use as target. - Replace
with one of those available animations: rocketPulse, rocketPulseHole, rocketRotate, rocketRotateHole, rocketRotateGo, rocketGost, rocketFlip, rocketCircle
You can add a special class targetPulse to the target element in your custom script file action.
##Basic Example
Simple example on click
$('.yourBtnClass').on('click', function() {
rocketcss(this,'.yourTargetClass', 'rocketPulse');