An API browser for the hal+json media type
Example Usage
Here is an example of a hal+json API using the browser:
About HAL
HAL is a format based on json that establishes conventions for representing links. For example:
"_links": {
"self": { "href": "/orders" },
"next": { "href": "/orders?page=2" }
More detail about HAL can be found at http://stateless.co/hal_specification.html.
Customizing the POST form
By default, the HAL Browser canβt assume there is any metadata. When you click on the non-GET request button (to create a new resource), the user must enter the JSON document to submit. If your service includes metadata you can access, itβs possible to plugin a custom view that makes use of it.
Define your custom view.
Here is an example that leverages Spring Data RESTβs JSON Schema metadata found at /{entity}/schema.
var CustomPostForm = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function (opts) { this.href = opts.href.split('{')[0]; this.vent = opts.vent; _.bindAll(this, 'createNewResource'); }, events: { 'submit form': 'createNewResource' }, className: 'modal fade', createNewResource: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var self = this; var data = {} Object.keys(this.schema.properties).forEach(function(property) { if (!("format" in self.schema.properties[property])) { data[property] = self.$('input[name=' + property + ']').val(); } }); var opts = { url: this.$('.url').val(), headers: HAL.parseHeaders(this.$('.headers').val()), method: this.$('.method').val(), data: JSON.stringify(data) }; var request = HAL.client.request(opts); request.done(function (response) { self.vent.trigger('response', {resource: response, jqxhr: jqxhr}); }).fail(function (response) { self.vent.trigger('fail-response', {jqxhr: jqxhr}); }).always(function () { self.vent.trigger('response-headers', {jqxhr: jqxhr}); window.location.hash = 'NON-GET:' + opts.url; }); this.$el.modal('hide'); }, render: function (opts) { var headers = HAL.client.getHeaders(); var headersString = ''; _.each(headers, function (value, name) { headersString += name + ': ' + value + '\n'; }); var request = HAL.client.request({ url: this.href + '/schema', method: 'GET' }); var self = this; request.done(function (schema) { self.schema = schema; self.$el.html(self.template({ href: self.href, schema: self.schema, user_defined_headers: headersString})); self.$el.modal(); }); return this; }, template: _.template($('#dynamic-request-template').html()) });
Register it by assigning to
HAL.customPostForm = CustomPostForm;
Load your custom JavaScript component and define your custom HTML template.
<script id="dynamic-request-template" type="text/template"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h3>Make a non-GET request</h3> </div> <form class="non-safe" action="<%= href %>"> <div class="modal-body"> <p>Target URI</p> <input name="url" type="text" class="url" value="<%= href %>" /> <p>Method:</p> <input name="method" type="text" class="method" value="POST" /> <p>Headers:</p> <textarea name="headers" class="headers" style="height: 100px"> Content-Type: application/json <%= user_defined_headers %> </textarea> </div> <% _.each(schema.properties, function(value, name) { %> <% if (!("format" in value)) { %> <input type="text" placeholder="<%= name %>" name="<%= name %>" /> <% } %> <% }); %> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Make Request</button> </div> </form> </script>
To load a custom JavaScript module AND a custom HTML template, you will probably need to create a customized version of browser.html .
The HAL Browser uses a global HAL object, so there is no need to deal with JavaScript packages.
Usage Instructions
All you should need to do is copy the files into your webroot. It is OK to put it in a subdirectory; it does not need to be in the root.
All the JS and CSS dependencies come included in the vendor directory.
Provide feedback to user when there are issues with response (missing self link, wrong media type identifier)
Give 'self' and 'curies' links special treatment