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A Drupal 8 Composer Edition (plus Docker)sfOpenIdOAuth
Symfony 1 app to login and sign up users using openid/oauth (Obsolete)GoogleBundle
Symfony Bundle for Google OAuth and Adwords APIBaseBundle
Symfony Base Bundledocker-base
Docker image baseInvoicesBundle
Create invoices from 2Checkout notificationsdocker-easybook
Docker for Easybook aplicationRedisEnableBundle
Symfony Bundle for Redisgo-counter
Very simple hit counter in Go with Google App Engine & Google DatastoreSkrillPSP PHP LibraryfPDFBundle
FPDF v1.7 Bundle for Symfonydocker-drupal8-php7
Drupal 8 + PHP7EasyAnnotationBundle
Symfony Bundle for AnnotationsMayecoPostBundle
2Checkout notifications for Symfony2docker-gearman
Docker Gearman serverdocker-php
PHP-FPM Docker
Mario Young (AKA mayeco) Personal Websitepackagistversion
The tools I use (or want to use)DefaultBundle
Default settings for symfony bundlestransbank-symfony2
Transbank - Webpay module for Symfony2AwqlQuery
Symfony Bundle for Awql Query (Adwords API)docker-nginx
NGINX dockerdocker-nodejs-extras
Docker NodeJs Extras (nodejs + npm + bower + gulp) from mayeco/docker-basedocker-drupal-8
Docker Drupal 8docker-gh-pages
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