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  • Rank 190,504 (Top 4 %)
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    Jupyter Notebook
  • License
    MIT License
  • Created almost 5 years ago
  • Updated over 1 year ago


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Repository Details

πŸ“š The Open Source Education Initiative – a repository with resources for 60+ engineering subjects. Let's make education more open and accessible! πŸš€βœ¨


πŸ‘‹ Welcome to OpenEDU! We are an open source community contributing to compile a collection of learning resources for Computer Science / IT enthusiasts, or anyone who finds these resources useful to learn something new. πŸ’–

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Useful links to tutorials and guides:

...feel free to add more to the list! πŸ’―

Wish to contribute to this repository? You're the real MVP 🀩✨

Notes, eBooks, or any type of learning resources are welcome for contribution to this repository so that students from across the 🌏 could be benefited. Make sure to add the resource(s) to their respective subject directory (create one if it doesn't already exist).

Here are the steps to help you along πŸ“œ

1. Fork This Repository 🍴

You can get your own fork/copy of OpenEDU by using the Fork button or clicking here. Fork Button

2. Clone This Repository πŸ‘₯

You need to clone (download a copy of) this repository to your local machine using

$ git clone https://github.com/Your_Username/OpenEDU.git

This makes a local copy of repository in your machine. Once you have cloned the OpenEDU repository in GitHub, move to that folder first using change directory command on linux and Mac.

# This will change directory to a folder OpenEDU
$ cd OpenEDU

Move to this folder for all other commands.

3. Set It Up πŸ”§

Run the following commands to see that your local copy has a reference to your forked remote repository in GitHub :octocat:

$ git remote -v
origin  https://github.com/Your_Username/OpenEDU.git (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/Your_Username/OpenEDU.git (push)

Now, lets add a reference to the original OpenEDU repository using

$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/marwahmanbir/OpenEDU.git

This adds a new remote named upstream. See the changes using

$ git remote -v
origin    https://github.com/Your_Username/OpenEDU.git (fetch)
origin    https://github.com/Your_Username/OpenEDU.git (push)
upstream  https://github.com/marwahmanbir/OpenEDU.git (fetch)
upstream  https://github.com/marwahmanbir/OpenEDU.git (push)

4. Ready, Set, Go! πŸ’πŸ‡

Once you have completed these steps, you are ready to start contributing by checking our Help Wanted Issues and creating pull requests.

5. Create A New Branch 🌿

Whenever you are going to make contribution. Please create separate branch using command and keep your master branch clean (i.e. synced with remote branch).

# It will create a new branch with name Branch_Name and switch to branch Folder_Name
$ git checkout -b Folder_Name

Create a separate branch for contribution and try to use same name of branch as of folder. To switch to desired branch

# To switch from one folder to other
$ git checkout Folder_Name

To add the changes to the branch. Use

# To add all files to branch Folder_Name
$ git add .

Type in a message relevant for the code reviewer using

# This message get associated with all files you have changed
$ git commit -m 'relevant message'

6. Push The Changes To Your Remote Repository πŸš€

# To push your work to your remote repository
$ git push -u origin Folder_Name

7. Finally, Make a PR! πŸ”₯

Go to your repository in browser and click on compare and pull requests. Then add a title and description to your pull request that explains your precious effort.

8. All done!? Time to partyyy! πŸ˜πŸŽ‰

And don't forget to invite me to the party (if you'd like) :p

Created with πŸ’–, by Manbir with an ambition to make education more open, accessible and free for all. ✨