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A client for the etcd v2 api.Franz
A simple topic based pub sub broker. Deprecated use Franz2ocaml-bdsm
A layer 5 bidirectional multiplexing protocol, because BDSM is all about protocolmirage-codec
A wrapper around mirage flows for framed protocolsocaml-cuckoofilter
A library for cuckoo filters, aka better bloom filterslwt-queue
A simple buffered, queue for when you don't want to use Lwt_streamdelta-crdts
A rust implementation for delta state crdt'socaml-varint
A simple VarInt implementation.mqscrape
A distributed web scraper using PhantomJS and RabbitMQ.balancers-rs
A generic client side load balancing crate for rustcausal-context
A rust library for logical clocksinvasion
The task for applying to tendermintmemberlist-nat-transport
A clustering system for Irmin.go-result
A result monad for godistsqlmap
A set up to perform sqli attacks over multiple nodes.horde
A set of ZMQ devices for membership, job control, and resource sharing in distributed systems.bstruct
A mutable buffer built on cstruct.file_server
A simple file server to be used for a distributed content addressed file system I am working on.remus
Reliable Multiplexed UDP Streams.Franz2
A new and improved version of Franz using Finagle. The aformentioned improvements include deliveree gaurentees, cluster support, an asynchronous client, and it is written in a more functional style.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us