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Repository Details

Lexicon for Chinese lexical analyzing, 中文语言分词词库


Read this in other languages: 简体中文,English



What is CaCl2?

CaCl2(CaCl2: Chinese Lexicon V2, Simple Chinese:CA中文语言词库) CaCl2 is originates from a Chinese natural language processing(NLP) researching project sponsored by a Chinese company.

CaCl2 project is an important part of CaOCl (CaOCl: Open Chinese Lexical Analyzer) Project.

How does CaCl2 work?

CaCl2 analyses the existing large volumes of textual data obtain from Internet and reformats data into massive entries , Catalogues and classifies the entries according to the financial industry classification standard [see reference.1],

What can CaCl2 Lexicon do?

In the natural language processing (NLP) tasks, the CaCl2 lexicon helps break down language into shorter, elemental pieces.(Aka. tokenization)

the CaCl2 lexicon can be used for higher-level NLP tasks such as word segmentation, document summarization, contextual extraction, content categorization, etc.

What is CaCl2 aim at?

CaCl2 project aims to build a consistent, complete and accurate industrial lexicon or dictionary collections for Internet. we make our best effort to achieve higher data integrity, provide a firm foundation for Chinese NLP works, Users would devote more attention to their business and research.



Date All Candidate Released Preview
2021-10-01 21,000,000 3,000,000 11,955,321 280,000


Date Class Industries Released Preview Closing
2021-02-01 Class-1 28 2 26 0
2021-02-01 Class-2 104 5 99 0

**Detail Statistics data please refer to Statistics

Get Start

1.Clone cacl2 or download dictionaries from GitHub

Clone cacl2

git clone https://github.com/limccn/cacl2.git

or Download a dictionary

wget https://github.com/limccn/cacl2/blob/master/archive/v0.2/[put dictionary code here].zip

2.Import dictionaries to your project & research environment

CaCl2 dictionary has a well formatted, can be use in many lexiconic tools.

2.1 Example for using jieba

import jieba
dict_name = '480000.txt'
jieba.load_userdict(os.path.join(BASE_PATH_TO_DICT), dict_name))

2.2 Example for using IK Analyzer

  <entry key="ext_dict">480000.txt;480100.txt;</entry>  

3.Run,Test and Enjoy CaCl2!

Open-Source Schedule


Code Name Entries Date Version Format Download
480000 Banking-Common 52,105 2021-02 v0.2 txt 480000.zip
480100 Banking-Bank 232,434 2021-02 v0.2 txt 480100.zip
490000 Financials-Common 365,87 2021-02 v0.2 txt 490000.zip
490100 Financials-Securities 338,428 2021-02 v0.2 txt 490100.zip
490200 Financials-Insurance 45,388 2021-02 v0.2 txt 480200.zip

Scheduled Release

Code Name Entries Schedule Version Format Download
490300 Financials-Others 10,000 2Q 2021 v0.2 txt 490300.zip

Technical Preview

Before dictionary finally publish/release, we published a technical preview dictionary contains 10,000 entries for every class-1 industry. If you need further information about all entries, Please refer to Statistics

Code Name Entries Format Download
110000 Agriculture-Common 10,000 txt 110000.zip
210000 Mining-Common 10,000 txt 210000.zip
220000 Chemical-Common 10,000 txt 220000.zip
230000 Ferrous Metal-Common 10,000 txt 230000.zip
240000 Nonferrous Metal-Common 10,000 txt 240000.zip
270000 Electronics-Common 10,000 txt 270000.zip
280000 Automobile-Common 10,000 txt 280000.zip
330000 Household Appliances-Common 10,000 txt 330000.zip
340000 Food & Beverage-Common 10,000 txt 340000.zip
350000 Textile & Apparel-Common 10,000 txt 350000.zip
360000 Light-industry Manufacture-Common 10,000 txt 360000.zip
370000 Health Care-Common 10,000 txt 370000.zip
410000 Utility-Common 10,000 txt 410000.zip
420000 Transportation-Common 10,000 txt 420000.zip
430000 Real Estate-Common 10,000 txt 430000.zip
450000 Commerce-Common 10,000 txt 450000.zip
460000 Leisure Services-Common 10,000 txt 460000.zip
480000 Banking-Common 10,000 txt 480000.zip
490000 Financials-Common 10,000 txt 490000.zip
510000 Conglomerate-Common 10,000 txt 510000.zip
610000 Construction Material-Common 10,000 txt 610000.zip
620000 Architectural Decoration-Common 10,000 txt 620000.zip
630000 Electrical Equipment-Common 10,000 txt 630000.zip
640000 Machinery Equipment-Common 10,000 txt 640000.zip
650000 National Defense-Common 10,000 txt 650000.zip
710000 Information Services-Common 10,000 txt 710000.zip
720000 Media-Common 10,000 txt 720000.zip
730000 Telecom-Common 10,000 txt 730000.zip

**Original raw data, please refer to /dicts

**Detail Class-1 and 2 industries dictionaries, Please refer to Statistics

Comparison and Test


1.1 Compare CaCl2 Dictionary and jieba(@CaoWJ)Dictionary

Text for test
text = """

Implement jieba with standard dictionary (demo)
import jieba
seg_list = jieba.cut(text, cut_all=False)
print("jieba: " + "/ ".join(seg_list))
Jieba Output:
/ A股/ 今日/ 迎来/ 4/ 月/ 开门红/ ,/ 三大/ 指数/ 集体/ 收涨/ ,/ 其中/ 沪/ 指/ 上涨/ 0.71%/ ,/ 收报/ 3466.33/ 点/ ;/ 深证/ 成指/ 上涨/ 1.46%/ ,/ 收报/ 13979.69/ 点/ ;/ 
/ 创业板/ 指/ 上涨/ 2.06%/ ,/ 收报/ 2815.41/ 点/ 。/ 市场/ 成交量/ 持续/ 低迷/ ,/ 两市/ 合计/ 成交/ 6577/ 亿元/ ,/ 行业/ 板块/ 涨跌互现/ ,/ 钢铁/ 板块/ 强势/ 领涨/ 。/ 
/ 东吴/ 证券/ 指出/ ,/ 目前/ 3/ 月/ 行情/ 已经/ 收官/ ,/ 进入/ 4/ 月份/ 后/ ,/ 一/ 季报/ 的/ 炒作/ 情绪/ 将/ 进一步/ 升温/ ,/ 因此/ 未来/ 市场/ 风格/ 将/ 以/ 估值/ 修复/ 和/ 业绩/ 成长/ 轮动/ 呈现/ ,/ 
/ 投资者/ 可/ 重点/ 关注/ 环比/ 业绩/ 增长/ 的/ 品种/ 以及/ 顺/ 周期/ 板块/ 。/ 
/ 中原/ 证券/ 认为/ ,/ 核心/ 资产/ 持续/ 上涨/ 的/ 动力/ 不足/ ,/ 场外/ 资金/ 入市/ 做/ 多/ 的/ 信心/ 不/ 强/ ,/ 沪/ 指/ 继续/ 围绕/ 半年线/ 震荡/ 整固/ 的/ 格局/ 依然/ 未改/ 。/ 
/ 建议/ 投资者/ 继续/ 关注/ 政策/ 面/ 以及/ 资金面/ 的/ 变化/ 情况/ 。/ 
Implement jieba with CaCl2 dictionary
import jieba
dict_name = '490000.txt'
seg_list = jieba.cut(text, cut_all=False)
print("cacl2: " + "/ ".join(seg_list))
CaCl2 Output:
/ A股/ 今日/ 迎来/ 4/ 月/ 开门红/ ,/ 三大指数/ 集体/ 收涨/ ,/ 其中/ 沪指/ 上涨/ 0.71%/ ,/ 收报/ 3466.33/ 点/ ;/ 深证成指/ 上涨/ 1.46%/ ,/ 收报/ 13979.69/ 点/ ;/ 
/ 创业板指/ 上涨/ 2.06%/ ,/ 收报/ 2815.41/ 点/ 。/ 市场/ 成交量/ 持续/ 低迷/ ,/ 两市/ 合计/ 成交/ 6577/ 亿元/ ,/ 行业板块/ 涨跌互现/ ,/ 钢铁板块/ 强势/ 领涨/ 。/ 
/ 东吴证券/ 指出/ ,/ 目前/ 3/ 月/ 行情/ 已经/ 收官/ ,/ 进入/ 4/ 月份/ 后/ ,/ 一/ 季报/ 的/ 炒作/ 情绪/ 将/ 进一步/ 升温/ ,/ 因此/ 未来/ 市场/ 风格/ 将/ 以/ 估值/ 修复/ 和/ 业绩/ 成长/ 轮动/ 呈现/ ,/ 
/ 投资者/ 可/ 重点/ 关注/ 环比/ 业绩/ 增长/ 的/ 品种/ 以及/ 顺/ 周期/ 板块/ 。/ 
/ 中原证券/ 认为/ ,/ 核心资产/ 持续/ 上涨/ 的/ 动力/ 不足/ ,/ 场外资金/ 入市/ 做多/ 的/ 信心/ 不/ 强/ ,/ 沪指/ 继续/ 围绕/ 半年线/ 震荡/ 整固/ 的/ 格局/ 依然/ 未改/ 。/ 
/ 建议/ 投资者/ 继续/ 关注/ 政策面/ 以及/ 资金面/ 的/ 变化/ 情况/ 。/ 
  • Comparsion

Compare CaCl2 and Jieba dictionary

1.2 Word segmentation compare with 招金词酷(@CaoWJ)

招金词酷(version 1.1) Output
A股  今日  迎来  4  月  开门红  三大  指数  集体  收涨  其中  沪指  上涨  0.71  %  收报  3466.33  点  深证  成指  上涨  1.46  %  收报  13979.69  点  
创业板  指  上涨  2.06  %  收报  2815.41  点  市场  成交量  持续  低迷  两  市  合计  成交  6577  亿元  行业板块  涨跌互现  钢铁板块  强势  领涨  
东吴证券  指出  目前  3  月  行情  已经  收官  进入  4  月份  后  一  季报  的  炒作  情绪  将  进一步  升温  因此  未来  市场  风格  将  以  估值  修复  和  业绩  成长  轮动  呈现  
投资者  可  重点关注  环比  业绩增长  的  品种  以及  顺  周期  板块  
中原证券  认为  核心  资产  持续  上涨的  动力  不足  场外  资金  入市  做  多  的  信心  不  强  沪指  继续  围绕  半年线  震荡  整固  的  格局  依然  未改  
建议投资者  继续关注  政策面  以及  资金面  的  变化  情况
  • Comparsion

Compare CaCl2 and 招金词酷

1.3 Document summarization compare with 招金词酷(@CaoWJ)

Document summarization

2. Test and Score

2.1 industrial test dataset

Word segmentation test use for different industrial textual data

2.1.1 Word segmentation use financial industry(banking industry Only)dictionary
Sample: Word segmentation using CaCl2(source code written in python)
import jieba
dict_name = '480100.txt'
seg_list = jieba.cut(text, cut_all=False)
print("cacl2: " + "/ ".join(seg_list))

Financial industry(banking industry Only) Word segmentation

Word segmentation output

2.1.2 Word segmentation use Financial industry(Except banking industry)dictionary
Sample: Word segmentation using CaCl2(source code written in python)
import jieba
dict_name = '490000.txt'
seg_list = jieba.cut(text, cut_all=False)
print("cacl2: " + "/ ".join(seg_list))

Financial industry(Except banking industry) Word segmentation

Word segmentation output

2.2 Standard test dataset

Word segmentation test use Standard Chinese test dataset

Score for CTB5

Score for ICWB:

=== TOTAL NCHANGE:	24453
=== F MEASURE:	0.815
=== OOV Rate:	0.058
=== OOV Recall Rate:	0.582
=== IV Recall Rate:	0.795
###	pku_cacl2_seg.txt	1796	10090	12567	24453	104372	96078	0.783	0.851	0.815	0.058	0.582	0.795

Test word segmentation with ICWB2

Score for ICWB

History and changelogs

1.Regular releases

Version Date Changelogs
0.2 2021 latest
0.1.1 2020 Catalogues and classifies all entries into 28 class-1 industries and 240 class-2 industries
0.1 2019 First released version,contains overs 20 million entries,data mainly obtain from Baidu baike,Wikipedia

2.Monthly/Quarterly releases

Version Circle Date Changelogs
v0.2.21.09 monthly 2021-10-01 New secondary industry classification, mainly including computers and food and beverage
v0.2.21.09 monthly 2021-10-01 New secondary industry classification,Excluding computers and food and beverage
v0.2.21.08 monthly 2021-09-01 Dictionaries for chemical, light-industry manufacture, Food & Beverage and utility added
v0.2.21.07 monthly 2021-08-05 Dictionaries for agriculture,transportation and utility added
v0.2.21.06 monthly 2021-07-05 Dictionaries for chemical, ferrous and nonferrous metal added
v0.2.21.05 monthly 2021-06-06 Dictionaries for agriculture, commerce & trade and real estate added
v0.2.21.04 monthly 2021-05-07 ICWB2 test and code added
v0.2.21.03 monthly 2021-04-06 Comparsion test and code added
v0.2.21.02 monthly 2021-03-01 Candidate entries added
v0.2.21.01 monthly 2021-02-01 Release: banking and financials dictionary
v0.2.20.12 monthly 2021-01-01 v0.2 Initial version

**Detail monthly/quarterly releases history, please refer to Auto-Release history


Open-Source license

CaCl2 is released Under Apache License 2.0

    Copyright 2021 limc.cn All rights reserved.
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

Creative Commons license

Text, Lexicon/Dictionaries, Models are under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0



CaCl2 Thanks for contributions from all contributors. We welcome all the contributions to CaCl2 and appreciate for your feedback very much.

1.Become A Contributor

1.1 Fork or Star CaCl2

1.2 Join CaCl2 community

1.3 Join online discussion group, Tencent QQ Group:482671237


@CaoWJ @ZhouXF



CaCl2 and its data comes from the information published on the Internet. CaCl2 does not guarantee the integrity and correctness of the data. CaCl2 does not constitute any investment suggestion.

As Contributor, we have no positions in any stocks mentioned. We have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


1.Industry Classification Standard of SWSI.2014 2.Industry Classification Standard of CITIC Securities.2020


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