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12 months ago by Kirill Leonov

super sdk

Repository Details

🥓 Simple SDK for JSON API - Bacon Ipsum


Build Status Gem Gem Version


SDK for JSON API - Bacon Ipsum Allows you to generate random text using Bacon Ipsum API


gem 'bacon_ipsum'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install bacon_ipsum

Require if necessary:

require 'bacon_ipsum'



Can take 5 arguments:

  • type: 'all-meat' for meat only or 'meat-and-filler' for meat mixed with miscellaneous ‘lorem ipsum’ filler.
  • paras: optional number of paragraphs, defaults to 5.
  • sentences: number of sentences (this overrides paragraphs)
  • start_with_lorem: optional pass 1 to start the first paragraph with ‘Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet’.
  • format: 'json' (default), 'text', or 'html'

Without arguments, as in the example above, the default will be the following parameters:

  • type: 'meat-and-filler'
  • paras: 5
  • format: 'json'

Example usage:

BaconIpsum.generate(paras: 1, type: 'all-meat', start_with_lorem: 1, format: 'text')
#output: 'Bacon ipsum dolor amet in incididunt strip steak ullamco brisket minim nulla pariatur flank.'

If you use the format json will return an array with strings:

[ "Bacon ipsum dolor amet prosciutto hamburger venison alcatra drumstick chicken boudin pork loin. Frankfurter kielbasa tail leberkas shank.", "Strip steak pork chop sausage andouille pancetta turkey. Chicken corned beef ball tip tri-tip." ]


If you would like to contribute to the development, submit a pull request with your changes. We welcome any contributions that improve the service. You can also view the current project board here. You can also contribute by reporting bugs or suggesting new features. Please use the GitHub issues for that.