Note: I'm no longer actively maintaining this gem, and would be happy to turn it over to someone else. Let me know if you'd like to take over.
ach is a Ruby helper for builder ACH files. In particular, it helps with field order and alignment, and adds padding lines to end of file.
This library has only been used in two production applications and for very limited purposes. Please test thoroughly before using in a production environment.
See ACH::Builder for a similar Perl library
You should consult a copy of the ACH Rules for details on individual fields. You can probably obtain a copy from your bank.
require 'ach'
# Create ACH file
ach =
trace_number = 0
# File Header
fh = ach.header
fh.immediate_destination = '000000000'
fh.immediate_destination_name = 'BANK NAME'
fh.immediate_origin = '000000000'
fh.immediate_origin_name = 'BANK NAME'
# Optional - This value is used in the File Creation Date/Time attributes - if excluded will default to
# Note that you may wish to modify the time zone here if your environment has a different time zone than the banks
# For example if your server is in UTC and the bank's is in US/Eastern, any files sent after 8pm Eastern/Midnight UTC
# would have a File Creation Date of the next day from the bank's perspective
fh.transmission_datetime =
# Batch
batch =
bh = batch.header
bh.company_name = 'Company Name'
bh.company_identification = '123456789' # Use 10 characters if you're not using an EIN
bh.standard_entry_class_code = 'PPD'
bh.company_entry_description = 'DESCRIPTION'
bh.company_descriptive_date = # Or string with 'SDHHMM' for same day ACH
bh.effective_entry_date =
bh.originating_dfi_identification = '00000000'
ach.batches << batch
# Detail Entry
ed =
ed.transaction_code = ACH::CHECKING_CREDIT
ed.routing_number = '000000000'
ed.account_number = '00000000000'
ed.amount = 100 # In cents
ed.individual_id_number = 'Employee Name'
ed.individual_name = 'Employee Name'
ed.originating_dfi_identification = '00000000'
batch.entries << ed
# ... Additional detail entries, possibly including *offsetting entry*, if needed.
# Insert trace numbers
batch.entries.each.with_index(1) { |entry, index| entry.trace_number = index }
File.write('ach.txt', ach.to_s)
# Parse an ACH file
ach ='examples/ach/fixtures/return_noc.txt'))
=> "C05992222220280489 1211403932 1211"
Note: When adding an amount to your ach file, it needs to be in cents. So you'll want to multiply any dollar amounts by 100
Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Jared E Morgan, released under the MIT license