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WARF is a Web Application Reconnaissance Framework that helps to gather information about the target.extractor
A utility to extract Email, IP, Phone Number (Indian), and URL from a file using Regular Expressions.ApkRF
ApkRF: Android Package Reconnaissance Frameworkvoot
A script to automate the process of Voting to BB contestant.dumpUrlandJS
Fetch URLs and JS files from the given hosts.cricbuzz
This will fetch the list of live matches and runs from cricbuzz website using Regular Expressions.wallpaperplay
A small script that download High Quality wallpapers from wallpaperplay.comencodecode
Encode/Decode URL, Bas64, HTML Entities, MD5, and lot others.StatusCode
StatusCode will check the HTTP status code of URLs from a given file.YouSort
Sort trending youtube videos based on rating (Like/Dislike)dot-files
My .vimrc filechatApp
Encode/Decode URL, Bas64, HTML Entities, MD5, and lot others but using JavaScript.subsy
Subtitles DownloaderHostel-Library
Hostel Library is a Web App developed using Django FrameworkC_Cryptography
A very simple cryptography program written in C. It uses the concept of Caesar Cipher technique which is one of the most simple and famous encryption system in the world of Cryptography.test-workflow
When I was new to unix world, I was struggling to make out the changes to the file's permission. Taking this into account, I created a small tool that helps you to change the file permission in a very friendly way. :)MYLLE
MYLLE is the abbreviation for "Make Your Linux Life Easier". It is a small program written in shell scripting which will do some of the common linux tasks in a more friendly way.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us