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A simple data analysis softwaresketchify
turn svg graph into sketchy visualizationdataplay3
A small all in one data science toolpyflow
a python flow based programming libraryml_model_deployment
compare elastic and clickhouseapi-gateway
sample code of api gatewaymlexplain
explain machine learning in graphecharts_for_splunk
customer visualization for splunk using echartsclickhouse-client
some clients for clickhousecode_runner
docker for docker runner based on glot-code-runneroschina_user_analysis
a web with code runner of python puzzlerml-Interpretability
a demo of interpretability tool including eli5,pdp,shap,limecode_runner_web
web ui for code runnergangtaoblogs
a collection of datasetsdataplay
a demo app of veritone machineboxalba
alba (moon flower) is a frontend repo that integrate the build tools and frontend stacksbaidumap_for_splunk
baidu map plugin for splunk as a custom visualizationmnist_data
a configuration service with rest api interface and etcd/zk backendg24splunk
a customer data visualization to support the Grammar of Graphicsconfshare
content shared from different tech conferenceVisualizing-the-Pulse-of-Data-
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