A small demo of NSViewController's present and dismiss methods, including custom NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator
Examples provided for the following methods:
β presentViewController:asPopoverRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge:behavior:
β presentViewControllerAsModalWindow:
β presentViewControllerAsSheet:
β presentViewController:animator:
For comparison, behaviour is also be provided using NSStoryboardSegues:
"Popover", "Sheet" and "Modal" are built-in segues corresponding to the respective presentViewController:
"Custom" segue is similar to presentViewController:animator
and expects a custom NSStoryboardSegue
and custom animator object.
"Show" segue launches an NSViewController in a new window with no return-relationship (i.e. no presenting/presented relationship)
For the animator/custom example, a custom NSStoryboardSegue
subclass is provided, alongside a custom object conforming to the NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator
These are shown in Objective-C and Swift versions for comparison. Check the comment in (see also this [Stack Overflow question]( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26876609/nsstoryboardsegue-sample-code-yosemite-storyboard?lq=1 question)).MyCustomSwiftSegue
- there's a Swift-only gotcha waiting to trip you up