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Simple PHP routerrust-cpp-ffi-examples
WIP showing Rust / C++ ffi patterns.mozconfigs
Emilio's setup for Gecko buildsclang-format-merge
A git merge driver for clang-format.php-cache
Caché simple basada en archivos para PHP | Simple PHP file cachephp-easy-image-manager
Simple image manager for PHP: Create, resize, save and output your images easilyCookieTool
Script para facilitar el cumplimiento de la ley de cookiesec-stars-rating
Stars rating plugin for Wordpress. Github repo published to svnlocal-search-algorithms
Quick-and-dirty local search algoritms implementation, in Rust to emscriptem.nglayoutng
Yeah, the name is a pun.precomputed-hash
A library to expose a precomputed hash for a given type.base-blogger-template
Plantilla básica para blogger con un compilador incluído (en php)gii-3
Código completo de las encuestas usando un pequeño framework hecho por mígii-2
Grado en ingeniería informática - curso 2words
Github pagessysadmin-final
MPI practice for computer architecture (2016)css-typed-om-syntax
Syntax parser for Typed OMbindgen-talk
POC of static atoms in Rust for Geckowebkit-index-config
Use Alt+Number to switch tabsasm6809-boats
Juego de los barquitos en ensamblador, para computadores IIstructs-playground
A playground with a simplified view of the style struct integration between Servo and Gecko for GSoC.c-subcommands
Matrix multiplication in 6809 assemblerframework
A kademlia algorithm implementation in Rust (WIP)ipv6-multicast-server
IPv6 multicast server done for Computer Networks II (2015/2016)ipo-final
A (very) simple tic-tac-toe game using the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us