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A very simple linux kernel that boots into a luajit command line.defold-blender-export
A blender import/export system for Defoldwebdruino
Web Control of your favourite Arduino device.csg-toolkit
A CSG Toolkit for Unity3D that allows building of complex meshes with simple primitives.defold-wfc
Defold implementation of Wave Function Collapse image generationdefold-tools
A suite of tools for use with Defolddefold-sqlite3
Sqlite3 native extension for Defoldswampy
A luvit built multi player server with a web admin panel.defold-3d-samples
A port of opensteer as a native extension for Defold.defold-nuklear
API for the SWAMPY server system using the Defold engine.defold-ecs
An ECS library for defold with builtin http web server debugging and monitoringLuaJIT
byt3d is a LuJIT based development system that supports many libraries. It is based on the excellent UFO system produced by Malkia.defold-sw-renderer
A software renderer extension for Defold.opensteer
Javascript port of Opensteerdefold-cairo
A Cairo interface for Defold game enginedefold-biosim4
A Defold port of biosim4 to a native extensiondefold-luaproc
A defold conversion of luaprocsokol-luajit
A luajit set of ffi wrappers for the excellent sokol framework,defold-links
A list of useful links sorted in categories.defold-jolt
A native extension for the jolt physics enginedefold-explosion
Explosion demo for defold compsdefold-ozz-animation
Extension to support animation using the ozz-animation librarydefold-warbattlesmp-nakama
A multiplayer version of warbattles using nakama and simple match makingautonews
A simple auto news grabber and organizer.defold-postgres
An extension that allows client access to postgres db's.defold-web
A simple html renderer for Defoldunity-utf8exporter
Exporter toolset for creating utf8 mesh (and material) files for use with ThreeJSdefold-warbattlesmp
War Battles MPdefold-samples
Some test sample projects for defolddefold-worldmap
A worldmap tool that loads in SHP files and displays them.defold-ffi
A set of tests and examples of using ffi with Defold.luvit-bgfx
A rendering addon for luvit system.defold-flightmodel
A lua based flight model with tools to build your own aircraft for use in Defold 3Ddefold-deferred-rendering
Deferred Rendering using passesswampy-docker
The docker setup for swampy.poly2tri
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