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Get current time for a timezone JSON apiaws-ftp-s3-serverless
FTP-like interface over S3 to allow auth users (OAuth, SAML) manage files under some buckets and folders, with normal users and admins.gscache
Google App Script Cache with persistence in SpreadSheetnodutils
Utilities for NodeJS to manage common operations over: string, numeric, array, date, file, url, cache, properties files, geo (gecoding and reverse, distance between points, ...)hugolifycms
Strategy to setup Hugo + Netlify CMS on websites with nested folders (multilevel, multilanguage, CMS on live site integration)torrent-emailer
Google Apps Script utility that check for torrents of TV Shows and it sends to you by emailaws-cloudfront-private-static-sites
Cloudfront + S3 protected sites (SAML Login and Signed Cookies)meteocat
Scraper for meteocat weather stations from Google Apps Script. Simple rest (get) api availablegspreadsheet-html-timetable
Utility to publish HTML tables (with responsive version) from Google Spreadsheet as CMSgohugo-breadcrumbs
Partial templates to manage infinite nested subsections in breadcrumbsaws-s3-select-lambda
Lambda wrapper over AWS S3 Select to allow create READ microservices based on CSV or JSON easilymyDB
Indexed DB api wrapper with support for full text search and other. Functionality is similar in some way to MongoDB api,jamstack-lambda-comments
Comments for static sites and authenticated users deployed as AWS Lambdapersonal_site
Stock exchange values in json/xml format (dow jones, nasdaq, ibex35, ...)openelec-raspberry-pi
Openelec installation in raspberrybluemix-client
Bluemix Nodejs Client for CloudFoundry API and Containers APIaws-url-redirector
Cloud replacement for Apache & Nginx rewrite rulesmarkdown2json
Creates a json index from markdown content directory (static search generators) and later can be indexed in Algolia SearchGoogleFusionTables
experiment on fusion tables and google mapsgae-cache
Google App Engine (python) persistent cache: memcache and cloud storagegatsby-wordpress
Geoservice is a data store and search service for geolocated data based on nodejs and mongodb. It offers REST over Mongodb data.webtrends-spreadsheet
Webtrends to Google Drive (spreadsheet)
personal sitegsa-jsonp-proxy
Google Search Appliance (GSA) JSONP proxystatic-site-uoc
Template for static sites UOC (PoC)clientcache
client cache in memory and in HTML5 indexedDB or localStorageyql-gplus
YQL and Yahoo Pipes to get Google Plus RSSstaticdb
Flat File "Secure" Database from CSVLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us