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A community curated list of Stremio Addonsstremio-beast-local
Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings Beast IPTV in Stremiostremio-123tv-local
Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings 123tv to Stremiostremio-nitro-local
Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings Nitro IPTV in Stremiopms-typescript-addons
Transpiler for PimpMyStremio Addons that use Typescriptstremio-vader-streams-iptv
DEPRECATED - this service doesn't exist anymore - Vader Streams IPTV Add-on for Stremio [Local Add-on]stremio-iptv-webplayer-chans-local
DEPRECATED - use stremio-iptv-webplayer-local instead - Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings IPTV Web Player support to Stremio as channelspms-babel-addons
Transpiler for PimpMyStremio Addons that use Babelstremio-twisted-local
Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings Twisted IPTV in Stremiostremio-m3u-channels-local
DEPRECATED - use stremio-m3u-local instead - Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings M3U playlists in Stremio as channelsstremio-iptv-webplayer-local
Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings IPTV Web Player support to Stremio as catalogs or channelsstremio-vaders-local
DEPRECATED - this service doesn't exist anymore - Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings Vader Streams IPTV in Stremiostremio-iptv-webplayer-cats-local
DEPRECATED - use stremio-iptv-webplayer-local instead - Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings IPTV Web Player support to Stremio as catalogsstremio-m3u-catalogs-local
DEPRECATED - use stremio-m3u-local instead - Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings M3U playlists in Stremio as catalogsstremio-unlim-tv-local
DEPRECATED - this service doesn't exist anymore - Add-on for PimpMyStremio that brings Unlim TV in Stremiopms-babel-test
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