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🎮 Lemmings clone in C++ implemented in a custom engine.compra-local
🛒 Web application for activating local businesses and making your neighborhood a better placeAgora
🏛️ Project implemented using software pattern design and Scrum methodology during Software Engineering Project subjectPAR-Laboratoris
[Català] Laboratoris de l'assignatura de Paral·lelisme UPC-FIB (Facultad d'Informatica de Barcelona)StarWar
Beta version of a Game inspired implemented during Data Structures and Algoristhmics subjectIDI-Laboratoris
Practical work of IDI (Interaction and Interface Design) subject at FIB in UPC.finncycle
[Català] Laboratoris de l'assignatura de Visió per Computadors a la UPC-FIB (Facultad d'Informatica de Barcelona)ACAP
⚙️ [Cast] Practicas de la assignatura de arquitectura de computadores de altas prestaciones en el Master de Ingenieria Informatica.FiberZone
Implementation of kind of Amazon using python and Distributed Systems methods during Knowledge Engineering and Distributed Intelligent Systems subject at FIB (UPC)MyPersonalAssistant
📱 [EN] Project developed during Programming of Cell Phones and Mobile Autonomus Devices subject in the Masters Degree in Informatics Engineering.PRO2
Repository with the exercices and projects of "Programation 2" subject in UPC-FIBCNRobotics
Basic website developed during a course of HTML, CSS and JavaScriptAC-Laboratorios
[Castellano] Practicas arquitectura de computadores realizadas en la UPC- FIB, quatrimestre de primavera 2016SEU
📟 [Cast/Cat] Practicas de la assignatura de sistemas encastados y ubicos en el Master de Ingenieria Informatica.AdventOfCode
🥽 Zombie shotter game for VR with DayDreamGazeRecognition
Project implemented using MatLab and Computer Vision algorithms during Computer Vision subjectGPS-UP
👩🏻💻 Master thesis projectCSI-Practicas
📈 [Castellano] Practicas de la assignatura de Computacion y sistemas inteligentes del master en ingenieria informatica de la FIB-UPCStep-bro
Junction 2023 project. I'm stuck, step bromy-hackathons
👩💻 All the hackathons I attended to with their information and an interactive mapLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us