This library is a port of Ruby's Faker library that generates fake data.
You can use it for taking real-looking test data, screenshots and populate your database during development.
To parse language files it uses YAML.framework
Insert line below into your Podfile:
pod 'MBFaker'
It works with original language files in yaml with small modifications.
Default language is English. You can change it with setLanguage method
[MBFaker setLanguage:@"en"];
Language name is just name of file with it.
#import <MBFaker/MBFaker.h>
// ...
NSString* name = [MBFakerName name];
NSString* email = [MBFakerInternet freeEmail];
If you'd like to contribute code or formats/data for another locale, fork the project at github, make your changes, then send a pull request.
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.