Homebrew Kali
A Homebrew tap for Kali Linux tools.
The ultimate goal is to brew all major Kali Linux tools (not already present in homebrew/homebrew).
Development Plan
The development plan for this repository is as follows. Scritps are not guaranteed to work until 'Head-Only Installs' has been crossed off the list.
Skeleton scripts (not working)- Head-Only Installs
- Full Formulae
# Kali on tap:
brew tap b-ramsey/homebrew-kali
brew install [--HEAD] <package>
# Alternatively, without kali on tap:
brew install [--HEAD] b-ramsey/homebrew-kali/<package>
Contributor Guidelines
- Don't touch any scripts marked with a 'complete' commit message
- Follow Homebrew's guides on Acceptable Formulae, the Ruby Style Guide (for complex scripts).
- If you need help getting started, there's the Homebrew Formula Cookbook, along with a Formula Cheat Sheet.
- Fork this repo
- Edit ONE script
- Pull Request
One script per pull request please. :)
Already in homebrew/homebrew
- aircrack-ng
- amap
- apktool
- arp-scan
- binwalk
- capstone
- (cmu-)sphinxbase
- cowpatty
- crunch
- dc3dd
- ddrescue
- dex2jar
- dns2tcp
- dnsmap
- dnstracer
- dos2unix
- ettercap
- fcrackzip
- foremost
- fragroute
- hping
- httptunnel
- hydra
- john-the-ripper (as john-jumbo)
- libbtbb
- libewf
- libfreefare
- libmicrohttpd
- libnfc
- lynis
- masscan
- mfcuk
- mitmproxy
- msgpack (non-python)
- ncrack
- nikto
- nmap
- p0f
- pixz
- proxychains-ng
- pwnat
- qemu
- reaver
- rtl-sdr
- rtpbreak
- sipp
- skipfish
- sleuthkit
- slowhttptest
- smali
- sqlmap
- ssdeep
- sslscan
- thc-pptp-bruter
- theharvester
- truecrack
- valgrind
- volatility
- wine
- winexe
- wireshark
- yara (non-python)
Intentionally Ignored
- Arachni (Use official installer)
- CaseFile (Commercial License)
- Android SDK (Use official installer)
- VirtualBox (Use official installer)
- Arduino (Use official installer)
- OllyDbg (No OS X support - may be possible with WINE? Investigate...)
- ...