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Edgeai TIDL Tools and Examples - This repository contains Tools and example developed for Deep learning runtime (DLRT) offering provided by TI’s edge AI solutions.edgeai
Edge AI Software and Development Toolsjacinto-ai-devkit
This repository has been moved. The new location is in
TI MCU+ SDK core source code repository with drivers, protocol stacks and example applicationsble-sdk-210-extra
(Depricated!) Examples are now located in the ble_examples repository.edgeai-mmdetection
Train Lite (Embedded Friendly) Object Detection models using
SimpleLink Low Power F2 SDKble_examples
Additional examples to compliment TI's Bluetooth Low Energy Stack offerings.mspm0-sdk
Git version of Texas Instrument's MSPM0 SDKedgeai-gst-apps
Gstreamer based Edge AI reference applicationedgeai-tensorlab
Edge AI Model Development Toolsedgeai-gst-plugins
Repository to host GStreamer plugins for TI's EdgeAI class of devicesmatter
Texas Instruments fork of the Connectivity Standards Alliance connectedhomeip repositoryHOGP-BLE-HID-EXAMPLE
HOGP (HID Over GATT Profile) BLE Example for the CC26X2 devices.c2000ware-core-sdk
Repository for C2000Waretiovx
TI's implementation of the OpenVX standard.ti-bdebstrap
Build custom bootstrap images using bdebstrapazure-iot-pal-simplelink
Adaptation layer for the Azure IoT SDK for TI's SimpleLink devicesti-wisunfantund
TI Userspace network Daemondri3wsegl
DRI3 WSEGL plugin for PVR driveredgeai-app-stack
Repo which installs other Edge AI repos to build on PC and install on a target file systemti-gpio-py
A Linux based Python library for TI GPIO RPi header enabled platformsti-wisunfan-pyspinel
Python Host Interface Software for TI Wi-SUN FAN Software. The underlying interface is adapted from OpenThread SPINEL interface (
This repository contains FreeRTOS kernel source/header files , kernel ports and demos for C2000 devicesot-ti
CC26XX CAN Examplesedgeai-modeloptimization
Apt repository for Texas Instrumentsedgeai-tiovx-apps
Reference OpenVx based applicationssimplelink-connect
Repository for Ethernet PHY drivers for Linux and RTOS.edgeai-demo-monodepth-estimation
Single camera depth estimation using MiDaS deep learning CNN and gstreamer image processing pipelinedebian-repos
Debian package builder scriptssimplelink-ble5stack-examples
Scripts to install development environment for TI MCU+ SDKsimplelink-ti_sidewalk-examples
A Linux based CPP library for TI GPIO RPi header enabled platformsmcupsdk-core-k3
TI MCU+ SDK core source code repository with drivers and example applications for K3 family of MPUs.simplelink-lowpower-f3-sdk
Texas Instrument’s SimpleLink Low Power F3 Software Development Kitind-comms-sdk
This repository has been moved. The new location is in
MCU Analytics / ML Model Development Softwaremcupsdk-enet-lld
Unified Ethernet Low-Level Driver (Enet LLD) for the different Ethernet peripherals found in Sitara MCU+ class of devices. Part of TI MCU+ SDKBeyond-SDK
This repository has been moved. The new location is in
Texas Instrument’s SimpleLink Low Power Proprietary RF Examplesc2000ware-c2000-academy
Repository of C2000 Academy lab exercisessimplelink-zstack-examples
ZStack (Zigbee) Examplesti-apps-launcher
QT based application launcher for TI Platformsedgeai-modelmaker
This repository has been moved. The new location is in
Edge AI Studio device agent for TI devicesmcupsdk-sysconfig
Sysconfig metadata repo for mcupsdk driver modulesmcupsdk-manifests
git-repo XML manifests to setup source code directory structure for TI MCU+ SDKsimplelink-dmm-examples
Single Wire Output Loggertda4x-robotarm-demos
Niryo robotic arm demo on the TDA4VMsimplelink-ti154stack-examples
TI WiSunFan Examplesseva-browser
Arm-based keyword spotting examples on live data using python3 in processors Linux SDKtinyml
MCU Analytics / ML Model Development Softwareti-docker-images
This repository provides a ubuntu 22.04 based docker image with all the packages that are required for Yocto Builds. The docker image can also be used to Install & Build via Top Level Makefile from sources for TI Arm based microprocessorsLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us