The best tools/frameworks/libraries of A&U digests for web developers. Major different from other Awesome-* repositories is that this collection is try to gather one most suitable stuff, which doesn't need alternative for one specifically problem, instead of listing everything of good and even bad.
- Adaptive layout
- AniJS - declarative handling library for CSS animations.
- Animo.js - powerful little tool for managing CSS animations
- Parallax.js и Skrollr - the best tools for creating parallax effect.
- Onepage-scroll.js и fullPage.js - create full screen pages fast and simple.
- Impress.js и Reveal.js - the best slideshow engine.
- Multiscroll.js - nice scrolling effect.
- scrollReveal.js и WOW - declarative on-scroll reveal animations.
- Textillate.js - is everything that you can imagine with animated text.
- Slidr и Slick - the best sliders.
- Snap.js - easiest way of creating swipe menu.
- Grid Animation Effects
- Intense Images
- MixItUp
- Velocity.js - accelerated JS animation.
Graphics and Modeling
- DC.js, Epoch.js, Chart.js и Vis.js - the best data visualisers.
- Three.js - libary for 3D modelling.
- Vizicities - 3D city and data visualisation platform.
- PhysicsJS и Newton - functional physical engines. P5.js — processing simplicity times JavaScript flexibility.
- Snap.svg и SVG.js - the best solutions for working with SVG.
- randomColor.js - random color generator.
- Chroma.js - multi-functional library for working with color.
- Isomer.js, Obelisk.js - engines to create isometric objects.
- Drawingboard.js - easy to use Canvas painter.
- Intercooler.js - declarative, REST-ful data binding library.
- Echo.js и Infinity.js - the best lazy-loads.
- Lazy Ads - lazy load for ADS.
- loadCSS
- InstantClick и FastClick.js - at 300ms accelerate the processing of all clicks and touchs.
- Favico.js - all of manipulations with displaying favicon.
- Typeahead.js, At.js, Auto.js - the best solutions for autocomplete.
- Dropzone, imagesLoaded - dynamic file uploaders.
- CLNDR.js, Pikaday.js, Rome.js - the best of calendats and datapickers.
- Picker.js - the best colorpicker independent from other libraries.
- iCheck - super customized checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery & Zepto.
- Pace.js, Nanobar.js - the best of progress bars.
- Vex - modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style.
- Messenger и PNotify - the best solutions for notifications.
- Offline.js - automatically display online/offline indication to your users.
- Hopscotch, Shepherd и Intro.js - step-by-step users guide for your website.
- Editr.js - HTML/CSS/JS playground like a CodePen, JSFiddle.
- simpleCart.js - easy to use shopping cart.
- SideComments.js - commenting system like on Medium.
- Odyssey - interactive story with reference to geolocation.
- Ouibounce - modal window for retargeting.
- VIDE.js - easy as hell jQuery plugin for video backgrounds.
- Spin.js - powerful spiners generator.
- Shine.js - functional shadows generator.
- Fort.js - modern progress bar for form completion.
- Source for the Guardian's responsive site.
- Webshim - modular capability-based polyfill-loading library.
- Leaflet и OpenLayers - the best tools for working with interactive maps.
- Knwl.js — natural language processor.
- VerbalExpressions - regular expressions made easy.
- HTML.js - simple, extensible way to work directly with the DOM.
- Moment.js - is all you need to work with date.
- Numeral.js - library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
- HTML2PDF, jsPDF - PDF generators.
- Math.js и Sylvester - more math in JavaScript.
- Storage - Asynchronous browser storage with multiple back-ends (IndexedDB, WebSQL, localStorage).
- Storage.js, localForage - for working with localStorage.
- Crossfilter - Fast n-dimensional filtering and grouping of records. от Square
- Jest - Painless JavaScript Unit Testing от Facebook.
- Retext - extensible system for analysing and manipulating natural language.
- Smallworld.js - maps generator based on GeoJSON and HTML5 Canvas.
- Lunr.js - complete searching on the client side.
- Fast.js - faster user-land reimplementations for several common builtin native JavaScript functions.
- Tether - make absolutely positioned elements attach to elements in the page efficiently.
- Flow.js - squeezes all the juice out of the HTML5 File API.
- Keypress - robust Javascript library for capturing keyboard input.
- Hammer.js - the best touch events handler.
- Draggabilly - drag&drop libary based on vanila JS.
- Conditioner.js — library for loading and unloading behavior based on environment conditions..
- Browserify - JavaScript modules on the principle of Node.js in a browser.
- Basket.js - like RequireJS, but with saving in localStorage.
- Olly.js - translate URLs into Rich Media.
- Detect.js - determines everything that can define JavaScript in the browser.
- WinJS from Microsoft.
- Blast.js — blast text apart to make it manipulable.
- Tracking.js - modern approach for Computer Vision on the web.
- PrettyEmbed.js - makes embeds look better.
- URI.js - the only true choice for working with URLs.
- DOMPurify - super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer.
- Leap.js и Depth.js - develop web for Leap Motion and Kinect.
- Tessel - microcontroller that runs JavaScript.
- Immutable.js - Immutable Data Collections от Facebook.
- Idiomatic.js, Airbnb JavaScript - JavaScript Style Guide.
- JS Must Watch - Must-watch videos about javascript.
- Superhero - storehouse of useful information for JavaScript developers.
- JSNice - smart and educated the deobfuscator for JavaScript.
- HTMLHint - analyzes errors in HTML.
- Google Traceur Compiler, 6to5 - « compiler».
- Animate.css, Effeckt.css, Hover.css - collection of amazing CSS animations.
- Stroll - cool effects on scrolling.
- Loading и CSS Loaders - the best CSS preloaders.
- Hint.css - beautiful tooltips based on pure CSS.
- LESSHAT - perhaps the most useful mixin collection for LESS.
- CSS Modal - the most simple modals.
- Web Starter Kit, Pure, Uikit, Topcoat, Inuit, Flat UI - HTML frameworks.
- Ratchet, Clank, Ionic, Framework7 - mobile HTML frameworks.
- Ink - email CSS framework.
- Refills - prepackaged patterns and components, built on top of Bourbon, Bitters, and Neat.
- Jeet - grids for human.
- UCSS/Helium, CSS Raticinator и Shorthand - CSS cleaners.
- Rework - plugin framework for CSS preprocessing in Node.js.
- RECESS - simple and attractive code quality tool for CSS built on top of LESS by Twitter.
- Idiomatic.css - principles of writing consistent, idiomatic CSS.
- The Elements of HTML — for those who honor the semantics.
- Custom Elements и Component Kitchen
- Meteor
- NodeOS - linux + node + npm.
- MEAN.js (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node)
- KOAN Stack (Koa, Angular, Node, Mongo, WebSockets)
- Mach.js - HTTP for JavaScript.
- LoopBack - framework built on top of Express optimized for mobile, web, and other devices.
- Gremlins.js - monkey testing library for web apps.
- Scraper.js - complete and versatile web scraper.
- Сollections.js - common collections, with many useful features.
- Kraken-js - express-based Node.js web application bootstrapping module by PayPal
- "Sails.js - make it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps.
- RethinkDB
- Mongoose - one of the best (if not the best) ORM for MongoDB.
- Sequelize - very clever ORM for SQL-like DBMS.
- Sharp - fastest Node.js module for resizing JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images.
- Grafana - feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB.
- NodeBB - based forum software built for the modern web.
- BitcoinJS, Bitcore - libary for working with Bitcoin.
- Mailin, Nodemailer, Mail.js - libary for working with email.
- google-api-nodejs-client
- EtherCalc - library for working with spreadsheets.
- Groovebasin - music player server with a web-based user interface.
- CryptoJS - JavaScript implementations of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms.
- Epub.js
- JSzip
- Videoconverter.js
- Laravel
- Zephir - Ze(nd Engine) Ph(p) I(nt)r(mediate)
- Stringy - string manipulation library with multibyte support.
- Flysystem - many filesystems, one API.
- PHP-DI - dependency injection container for humans
- Purl - simple Object Oriented URL manipulation library.
- Phake - Mocking Framework.
- Elastica - client for elasticsearch.
- Monolog - the best for logging.
- Buzz - lightweight HTTP client.
- PHPMorphy - Morphological analyzer library for Russisan, English and German languages.
- Parsedown - the best Markdown parser for PHP
- Ampache - web based audio/video streaming application.
- Muravjev Typograph
- PHPCI - continuous integration tool.
- Linuxdash - drop-in, low-overhead monitoring web dashboard for Linux.
- VerbalExpressions - regular expressions made easy.
- HTTPie - command line HTTP client.
- Videogrep - searches through dialog in video.
- Inbox — «The next-generation email platform» на Python.
- Mailur - webmail client with Gmail-like conversations.
- Arrow — better dates & times.
- Sympy — computer algebra system written
- PSDash - Linux web dashboard.
- Py Must Watch - Must-watch videos about Python.
- VerbalExpressions - regular expressions made easy.
- Whenever - Cron jobs in Ruby.
- PEAS - Docker and Ruby based PaaS.
- Minicron - system to manage and monitor cron jobs.
- Lotus - complete web framework for Ruby.
- PgHero — database insights made ease.
- PSD.rb - .PSD parser.
- Onebody - private member portal for churches.
- VerbalExpressions - regular expressions made easy.
- Martini - "Classy web framework for Go".
- Godropbox - Common libraries for writing Go services/applications.
- Goji - minimalistic web framework.
- Go-underscore - useful collection of Go utilities.
- Beego — high-performance web framework.
- Gollum - Git-powered wiki.
- Gogs - your own Git service.
- Drone - Continuous Integration platform built on Docker.
CMS and static site generator
- Webhook (JavaScript)
- October (PHP & Laravel)
- Cockpit
- Witgy (Python)
- Keystone (JavaScript)
- Docpad (CoffeeScript)
- Metalsmith (JavaScript)
- Wintersmith (CoffeeScript)
- Cactus (Python & Django)
- Editors
Apps, services, utilities
- Breach - Node.js browser.
- Cloudconvert - online converter, that supports more than 150 formats.
- Ungit - brilliant GUI for Git in your browser.
- - amazing OAuth service.
- Cleaver, Remark - slideshow for hackers.
- Autoprefixer - forget about prefixes.
- Kraken - service for image optimization.
- Gitter - chat for geeks.
- Node App - Node.js interpreter for iOS 7.
- BrowserSync и FB Flo - time-saving synchronised browser testing.
- GitBook - utility for generating books and exercises using GitHub/Git and Markdown.
- Ngrok - introspected tunnels to localhost.
- Grunt Email Design
- Imacss - application and library that transforms image files to data URIs.
- Wraith, Huxley и PhantomCSS - diff tools for images.
- JavaScript Code Style checker
- Assemblers
- Generators
Site builders
- Awesome Awesomeness
- Frontend Dev Bookmarks
- List of Free Learning Resources
- Tools Of TheTrade
- List Of Minimalist Frameworks
- Colour Schemes - a huge number of themes for a many editors.
- Gitignore - large collection of .gitignore template.
- HTML5 Security Cheatsheet - HTML5 Security Cheatsheet.
- Docker - application container engine.
- Cayley - graph database by Google.
- Dat - real-time replication and versioning for data sets.
- Outdated browser - the most elegant way to inform the user that their browser is out of date.
- Лучшие платные Photoshop плагины для веб-дизайнеров
- Лучшие бесплатные Photoshop плагины для веб-дизайнеров