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Collection of Various Python Script's.๐Ÿ’ป

Python Scripts

forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge

This Repo is a collection of Various python scripts.

In this repo there are different kinds of python scripts for their respective uses. These all are open sourced and you can use them in any form for free.


Make sure you've already git installed. Then you can run the following commands to get the scripts on your computer:

OS X, Linux and Windows:

git clone https://github.com/Logan1x/Python-Scripts.git
cd Python-Scripts/bin


  • Air Quality Script

    • This script renders the air quality from the location of the user

    • The location is fetched using the user's IP address

    • This script requires a key from WAQI.

    • It is free and can be fetched from http://aqicn.org/data-platform/token/#/

    Usage Instructions

    python air-quality.py token
  • Approximating pi

This script is useful to show a way to approximate the value of pi using a Monte Carlo method. It is also optimized using the @jit (just-in-time) decorator from the numba library.

  • Blog Reader

Blog Reader is the terminal reader that scrapes the article from planet dgplug and displays it on the terminal.

It separates the content accrding to the screen size.

python Blog_reader.py
  • Bulk add users to Twitter list

Simple script helps you mass add users to your twitter list to follow (Ex: Bitcoin/Altcoins official account, news, traders...)

  • Prepare list screen names
  • Setup your app and get an access token
pip install twitter
python bulk_add_twitter_list.py
  • Caesar Cipher

Encrypts or Decrypts any message you want, simply enter the message and the rotation number

python caesar_cipher.py
  • Contributor list

For a given repo generate contribute.md with images in same size like the one in this README.md

 python .\contributors.py https://github.com/Logan1x/Python-Scripts/

where the argument is the url of the repo

you may need to install packages like [email protected] and requests if not installed

  • End To End Encryption

It is a simple program to implement and understand the basic of end_to_end encryption. Here I am using caesar cipher to encrypt but in reality they use algotihms lile SHA-1, RSA etc.

python end_to_end.py
  • Expense Manager

Simple GUI program which helps you calculate your expenses, monitor them just through mouse clicks. All you have to do is run the script and choose an option from the menu which will displayed when you run the script. Enter Your Expenses as eg: "Biscuits Rs 15" " rs " ignore the quotes.

python expense_manger.py
  • Facebook Auto Post

This is python script that log in into facebook and post the status.

You can see live execution of this script here.

pip install -r facebook-auto-post.requirements.txt
python facebook-auto-post.py
  • Find Large Files

Searches a file location and subdirectories for files larger than a given size. Useful for phones which might hide files in FileExplorer, but allow use as flash memory. Directly prints results if run directly. May also be imported, yielding results one by one.

  • FTP Download File

A simple application to download a file via FTP with the given remote and local path Parameters:

  • -hh hostname
  • -u username
  • -p password
  • -rd remote directory
  • -ld local directory
python ftp_download_file.py
  • Fetch HTML

This script fetch html response from the provided url and parse xml tag to get only text content and print out.

python fetch_html.py https://github.com
  • Get External IP

Gets the external IP-Address from the current machine and prints it to the console

python getExternalIp.py
  • Group files by type

    • Group files by their extensions
    • Files are moved into folders with extension names

    Usage Instructions

    python group_file_by_type.py 'C:\\test\\products'
  • Handy offline dictionary

A tiny offline dictionary app based on nltk wordnet and pyqt5

cd dictionary
python app.py
  • Highcharts loader

It is a simple program that can load charts from highcharts. After loading chart you can save it to file or embed it into your html page in base64 format. Don't forget install requests library from highcharts_loader_requirements.txt

from highcharts_loader import ChartLoader, Options

options = Options(from_file='options.json')
chart = ChartLoader(options)

options.json example:

    "chart": {
        "type": "bar"
    "title": {
        "text": "Which channels are driving engagement?"
    "xAxis": {
        "categories": ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
                       "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
    "series": [{
        "data": [29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]
  • Image Encoder

It is a simple program to encode and decode images, which helps to reduce and handle images on server, as it is converted to base64 address.

python image_encoder.py
  • Integrate to find area of a graph

The script takes a given graph along with the range within which the area is to be calculated. It then calculates the area using two methods, the Simpson method and the Trapezoid method and displays the results on a graph.

python integrate-graph.py
  • Locate Me

Run this script and it will locate you.

This will tell you your

  1. City
  2. Region
  3. Country
  4. Latitude & Longitude.
  5. Your Internet Service Provider

This uses Checkip and ipinfo.io.

python locate-me.py
  • Meme Density

This script tells you the amount of memes in your facebook feed

pip install memedensity

  • Mi Community Bot

This python script uses selenium module in python to automate the thread posting.

You can see live execution of this script here.

If you want to understand this code you can visit here.

pip install -r mi-community-bot.requirements.txt
python mi-community-bot.py
  • Missionaires And Cannibals Problem

It is a simple program to mimic Missionaries And Cannibals River Crossing Problem.

python missionaries_and_cannibals_problem.py
  • Password Strength Checker

This code checks for your password strength. For the right password, password must contain mixture of an upper case letters, an digit (including 0-9), and a special characters with lower case letters.

python password-strength-checker.py
  • Plotting a function

This script contains an example of plotting a function using matplotlib. Feel free to modify the value of y to obtain different functions that depend on x.

  • Server And Client

It is simple client server communication script, will add more functionality in future.

cd server_client
python client.py
python server.py
  • Tweetload

Download latest tweets (default: up to 4000) from a specific twitter user. The script will create a file with one tweet per line, stripped from mentions, hashtags and links.
For that to work, create a json file with your twitter credentials (see source) and define the twitter user in source code.

python3 tweetload.py
  • Twitter_retweet_bot

It is a simple script that retweets any hashtag provided in it.

python twitter_retweet_bot.py
  • Twitter Sentiment Analysis

A python script that goes through the twitter feeds and calculates the sentiment of the users on the topic of Demonetization in India. Sentiments are calculated to be positive, negative or neutral. Various other analyses are represented using graphs.

pip install -r analyseTweets-requirements.txt
python analyseTweets.py
  • URL Shortener

This is python script that shortens any URL provided to it.

# Takes multiple inputs and returns shortened URL for both
python shortener.py url1 url2

#Stores shortened URLs in a file
python shortener.py url1 url2 > file.txt
  • Video-downloader v1.1


This file allows the user to download videos off of the web. as of version 1 the user is able to download highquality videos as a playlist or single file as well as audio files from the supported

websites given here http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/supportedsites.html are supported.

More features will be added in the future iterations of the project. a simple video downloader using youtube-dl Library, a starter script for making use of youtube-dl.


  • You will need to install youtube_dl
    • This can be installed using pip on windows,
    • If you do not know how to use pip please read the installation instructions
    • Requests library
    • Can be downloaded using pip on windows and respective package managers on different operating systems.
    • ffmpeg in order to convert the downloaded files to the right format


Clone this repo and run python vid.py script! assuming you already have the other requirements.


  • Bulk add users to Twitter list

Follow this wiki-How tutorial



Extensive information on how to set up virtual env and pip.



Just run the script and follow the interface! Videos downloaded in same folder as the script.

  • YouTube Bot

This is a simple python script that increases your video count/ views. Log out from all google accounts and run this.

# For Linux Users
python youtube-bot-linux.py

# For Windows Users
python youtube-bot-windows.py


In case your browser stoped working delete/comment the following line in the script.


os.system(" killall -9 " + brow)


os.system("TASKKILL /F /IM " + brow + ".exe")

Release History

  • 0.0.1
    • Work in progress

Markdown to presentation

You can convert markdown in a directory into a .html file for presentation using reveal.js

python reveal-md.py -d folder_name -c config


The config is optional. You can specify with keys as here https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#configuration in a json file. Reveal.js cdn link is included in generated html you may need to download them if you want to use the presentation offline


Khushal Sharma โ€“ @Khushal โ€“ [email protected]

Distributed under the MIT LICENSE license. See LICENSE for more information.



  1. Fork it (https://github.com/Logan1x/Python-Scripts/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Add your docs in docs/data.json file
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  6. Create a new Pull Request
  7. Add your name with a link to your profile in the contributors list


The following people helped in creating the above content.


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