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Official Pytorch Implementation for "Fix the Noise: Disentangling Source Feature for Controllable Domain Translation" (CVPR 2023, CVPRW 2022 Best paper)

Fix the Noise: Disentangling Source Feature for Controllable Domain Translation

arXiv Open In Colab

Teaser image Fix the Noise: Disentangling Source Feature for Controllable Domain Translation
Dongyeun Lee, Jae Young Lee, Doyeon Kim, Jaehyun Choi, Jaejun Yoo, Junmo Kim

Abstract: Recent studies show strong generative performance in domain translation especially by using transfer learning techniques on the unconditional generator. However, the control between different domain features using a single model is still challenging. Existing methods often require additional models, which is computationally demanding and leads to unsatisfactory visual quality. In addition, they have restricted control steps, which prevents a smooth transition. In this paper, we propose a new approach for high-quality domain translation with better controllability. The key idea is to preserve source features within a disentangled subspace of a target feature space. This allows our method to smoothly control the degree to which it preserves source features while generating images from an entirely new domain using only a single model. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed method can produce more consistent and realistic images than previous works and maintain precise controllability over different levels of transformation.

Recent Updates

  • 2023-05-09 Add several useful code for inference. For detailed usage, refer to Inference.

  • 2023-05-15 Add Open In Colab


Our code is highly based on the official implementation of stylegan2-ada-pytorch. Please refer to requirements for detailed requirements.

  • Python libraries:
pip install click requests tqdm pyspng ninja imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.3 lpips
  • Docker users:
docker build --tag sg2ada:latest .
docker run --gpus all --shm-size 64g -it -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v /mnt:/mnt -v /data:/data --name sg2ada sg2ada /bin/bash

Pretrained Checkpoints

You can download the pre-trained checkpoints used in our paper:

Setting Resolution Config Description
FFHQ β†’ MetFaces 256x256 paper256 Trained initialized with official pre-trained model on FFHQ 256 from Pytorch implementation of stylegan2-ada-pytorch.
FFHQ β†’ AAHQ 256x256 paper256 Trained initialized with official pre-trained model on FFHQ 256 from Pytorch implementation of stylegan2-ada-pytorch.
Church β†’ Cityscape 256x256 stylegan2 Trained initialized with official pre-trained model on LSUN Church config-f from Tensorflow implementation of stylegan2.


We provide official dataset download pages and our processing code for reproducibility. You could alse use official processing code in stylegan2-ada-pytorch. However, doing so does not guarantee reported performance.

MetFaces: Download the MetFaces dataset and unzip it.

# Resize MetFaces
python dataset_resize.py --source data/metfaces/images --dest data/metfaces/images256x256

AAHQ: Download the AAHQ dataset and process it following original instruction.

# Resize AAHQ
python dataset_resize.py --source data/aahq-dataset/aligned --dest data/aahq-dataset/images256x256

Wikiart Cityscape: Download cityscape from Wikiart and unzip it.

# Resize Wikiart Cityscape
python dataset_resize.py --source data/wikiart_cityscape/images --dest data/wikiart_cityscape/images256x256

Train new networks using FixNoise

Using FixNoise, base command for training stylegan2-ada network as follows:

FFHQ β†’ MetFaces

python train.py --outdir=${OUTDIR} --data=${DATADIR} --cfg=paper256 --resume=ffhq256 --fm=0.05


python train.py --outdir=${OUTDIR} --data=${DATADIR} --cfg=paper256 --resume=ffhq256 --fm=0.05

Church β†’ Cityscape

python train.py --outdir=${OUTDIR} --data=${DATADIR} --cfg=stylegan2 --resume=church256 --fm=0.05

Additionally, we provide detailed training scripts used in our experiments.


Generate interpolated images

To generate interpolated images according to different noise, run:

# Generate MetFaces images without truncation
python generate.py --cfg=paper256 --outdir=out --trunc_psi=1 --seeds=865-1000 \\

# Generate MetFaces images with truncation
python generate.py --cfg=paper256 --outdir=out --trunc_psi=0.7 --trunc_cutoff=8 --seeds=865-1000 \\

# Generate AAHQ images with truncation
python generate.py --cfg=paper256 --outdir=out --trunc_psi=0.7 --trunc_cutoff=8 --seeds=865-1000 \\

# Generate Wikiart images with truncation
python generate.py --cfg=stylegan2 --outdir=out --trunc_psi=0.7 --trunc_cutoff=8 --seeds=865-1000 \\

You can change interpolation steps by modifying --interp-step.

Projecting images to latent space

To find the matching latent code for a given image file, run:

python projector_z.py --outdir=${OUTDIR} --target_dir=${DATADIR} \

We modify projector.py to project image to z space of StyleGAN2. To use multiple gpus, add --gpus arguments. You can render the resulting latent vector by specifying --projected-z-dir for generate.py.

# Render an image from projected Z
python generate.py --cfg=paper256 --outdir=out --trunc_psi=0.7 --trunc_cutoff=8 \\
    --projected-z-dir=./projected --network=pretrained/aahq-fm0.05-010886.pkl


We provide noise interpolation example code in jupyter notebook.

FFHQ β†’ MetFaces




Church β†’ Cityscape



    author    = {Lee, Dongyeun and Lee, Jae Young and Kim, Doyeon and Choi, Jaehyun and Yoo, Jaejun and Kim, Junmo},
    title     = {Fix the Noise: Disentangling Source Feature for Controllable Domain Translation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {14224-14234}


The majority of FixNoise is licensed under CC-BY-NC, however, portions of this project are available under a separate license terms: all codes used or modified from stylegan2-ada-pytorch is under the Nvidia Source Code License.