KotlinBukkitAPI is an API for Bukkit/SpigotAPI using the cool and nifty features Kotlin has to make your life more easier.
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- Example plugins
We have more Samples in the Documentation
KotlinBukkitAPI goes beyond this samples, and you can find all of it in the wiki/documentation.
Event DSL sample
plugin.events {
event<PlayerJoinEvent> {
player.msg("&3Welcome ${player.name}".translateColor())
event<PlayerQuitEvent> {
broadcast("&eThe player &c${player.name} &eleft :(".translateColor())
Simple Command DSL example
plugin.simpleCommand("twitter") {
sender.msg("&eFollow me on Twitter :D &ahttps://twitter.com/DevSrSouza".translateColor())
Item meta DSL and other stuff
val gem = item(Material.DIAMOND).apply {
amount = 5
meta<ItemMeta> {
displayName = "&bGem".translateColor()
val encbook = item(Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK).meta<EnchantmentStorageMeta> {
displayName = "&4&lThe powerful BOOK".translateColor()
addStoredEnchant(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL, 10, true) // putting sharpness 10 to the book
Another approach:
val gem = item(Material.DIAMOND, amount = 5).displayName("&bGem".translateColor())
val encbook = metadataItem<EnchantmentStorageMeta>(Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK) {
displayName = "&4&lThe powerful BOOK".translateColor()
addStoredEnchant(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL, 10, true) // putting sharpness 10 to the book
Menu creator DSL
val myMenu = menu(+"&cWarps", 3, true) {
val arenaPvP = item(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD) {
addEnchant(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL, 5, true)
displayName = "&4Arena PvP".translateColor()
slot(2, 4, arenaPvP) { // Line, Slot
onClick {
player.teleport(Location(player.world, 250, 70, -355))
close() // close the menu
slot(2, 6, item(Material.GOLD).displayName("&6Shop".translateColor())) {
onClick {
player.teleport(Location(player.world, 2399, 70, -1234))
close() // close the menu
// when the menu renders to a player, will show the Paper item with their name.
slot(3, 9, item(Material.PAPER).displayName("Hello {player}")) {
onRender {
showingItem?.meta<ItemMeta> {
displayName = displayName.replace("{player}", player.name)
// open to player
You can find more examples in the Documentation
Module | Description |
Architecture | KotlinPlugin and Lifecycle aware APIs, inspired in Android Lifecycle Components |
Extensions | Extensions for bunch of Bukkit types like block, player, inventory, text, permissions, etc |
Utility | Utility types and APIs for Kotlin and Bukkit development, for example, ExpiratioList, OnlinePlayerCollections, Kotlin Duration tick support. |
Coroutines | Adds Kotlin Coroutines Dispatcher for Bukkit Scheduler API as well as adding Flow APIs and Structured Concurrency (CoroutineScope bounded to Lifecycle of the plugin or Manager class). |
Exposed | Extensions for SQL framework Exposed |
Serialization | Extensions for Kotlinx.serialization |
Menu | DSL to create Menus easy and support for Preview in IntelliJ by using the Plugin |
Command Legacy | DSL to create Commands and Sub Commands with Parameter type safe, auto registering and support for Coroutines |
Scoreboard Legacy | DSL to create Scoreboard with support for handling updates easily |