Calysto Hy
Calysto Hy is a Hy kernel for Jupyter based on Metakernel. Hy is a language that converts Lisp-like syntax to Python semantics.
This kernel is based on bollwyvl/hy_kernel/ That kernel treats Hy as a Python preprocessor, and can therefore use the standard IPython tools. Calysto Hy treats Hy as a full language. Because of this, it uses the MetaKernel to gain magics, shell, parallel processing, etc.
If you want to enjoy full code completion by kaschalk/jedhy you have use bleeding edge and install hy master (> 0.13.1), jedhy and toolz first because jedhy is using new hy syntax. Otherwise calysto_hy falls back to is normal completion.
pip3 install git+
pip3 install git+
python3 -m calysto_hy install
If installing into the system, you may want to:
sudo pip3 install git+
sudo pip3 install git+
sudo python3 -m calysto_hy install
Or into your personal space:
pip3 install git+ --user
pip3 install git+ --user
python3 -m calysto_hy install --user
Or into a virtualenv, when it is already activated:
pip3 install git+
pip3 install git+
python3 -m calysto_hy install --sys-prefix
jupyter console --kernel calysto_hy
You can use Calysto Hy in Jupyter notebook by selecting the "Calysto Hy" kernel. See example notebooks.