AFViewShaker is simple as a brick utility for UIView shake animation.
Create shaker for one view
AFViewShaker * viewShaker = [[AFViewShaker alloc] initWithView:self.formView];
Create shaker for multiple views
NSArray * allFields = @[self.emailField, self.passwordField];
AFViewShaker * viewShaker = [[AFViewShaker alloc] initWithViewsArray:allFields];
Shake with default parameters
[self.viewShaker shake];
Shake with additional parameters
[self.viewShaker shakeWithDuration:0.6 completion:^{
NSLog(@"Hello World!");
Using CocoaPods
Add the following to your Podfile
and run $ pod install
pod "AFViewShaker", "~> 0.0.5"
Using Carthage
Add the following to your Cartfile
and run $ carthage update
github "ArtFeel/AFViewShaker", ~> 0.0.5
For Xamarin users
If you are using Xamarin.iOS, check out this port by Robert Waggott.