JNI Frida Hook
Here is a quick script to easily have an overview of JNI called by a function. It also provide a way to easily hook them
pip install frida-tools --user
npm install frida-compile -g
npm install frida-compile
Fill library name and function name in agent.js
library_name = "" // ex: libsqlite.so
function_name = "" // ex: JNI_OnLoad
Add the functions you want to hook or simply hook all in the hook_jni
Here you can choose which function to hook
Either you hook all to have an overview of the function called
Either you hook the one you want by precising what to do with it
onEnter: function(args){
console.log("env->FindClass(\"" + Memory.readCString(args[1]) + "\")")
Once you've filled all the previous informations, compile it with :
frida-compile agent.js -o _agent.js
And launch it :
frida -U -l _agent.js --no-pause -f <your package_name>
Example of usage
Feel free to contact me on Twitter : Areizen
or by email at : [email protected]